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Индексирование журнала

Импакт-фактор российских научных журналов

Troitskaya M.S.
Features of the formation of a legal framework in the sphere of land and property relations in St. Petersburg in the XVIII – early XX centuries
Purpose: To study the specifics of the formation of the regulatory framework for the management of land and property relations in St. Petersburg in the XVIII – early XX century.
Methodology: We used a formal legal method, a comparative analysis method, a historical legal method.
Results: In this article, a very interesting topic is considered - the formation of a legal basis for land and property relations in St. Petersburg when the city was the capital of the Russian Empire. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the legal basis for the management of land resources in the city in the XVIII – early XX centuries. The author outlines the main stages in the formation and development of the regulatory framework, draws attention to the existing shortcomings and gaps in the legislative regulation of land property management in St. Petersburg and the Russian Empire in general.
Novelty/originality/value: The subject considered in the article is significant and relevant for the domestic legal science. Its study makes it possible to use the results obtained for purposes of comparison with the current situation, to comprehend and improve existing processes in the field of land management.
Keywords: land law, land property, cadastre, St. Petersburg, urban land, city administration, alienation of land plots.
References (transliterated)
1.Nexaj A.Yu., Tamazova A.D. «Gorodovoe polozhenie» 1785 goda kak proobraz ustava municipal`nogo obrazovaniya v sovremennoj Rossii // Obshhestvo i pravo. 2016. № 4 (58). S. 207–209.
2.Pirozhkova I.G. Gradostroitel`noe zakonodatel`stvo i social`naya politika v Rossijskoj imperii // Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Seriya: Gumanitarny`e nauki. 2014. № 8 (136). S. 133–142.
3.Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj Imperii. Sobr. 1. S 1649 po 12 dekabrya 1825 goda. SPb., 1830. T. 34 (1817).
4.Suxorukova A.S. Problemy` otchuzhdeniya gorodskogo nedvizhimogo imushhestva v konce XIX – nachale XX v. (na primere S.-Peterburga) // Problemy` sovremennoj nauki i obrazovaniya. 2016. № 2 (44). S. 98–101.
5.Suxorukova A.S. Mobilizaciya nedvizhimogo imushhestva i osobennosti cenoobrazovaniya v S.-Peterburge v XIX – nachale XX v. // Aktual`ny`e problemy` gumanitarny`x i estestvenny`x nauk. 2016. № 2 (85).
Vlasov A.A.
What waits for the Russian legal profession in the future?
Purpose: A research of problems of increase in the status of the Russian legal profession in civil society.
Methodology: Formal legal and comparative-legal methods were used.
Results: In article observations concerning the status of legal profession in civil society are made. In Russia the basic Law «About Lawyer Activity and Legal Profession in the Russian Federation» adopted on May 31, 2002 which successfully regulates professional activity of legal profession for already 16 years works. In some other countries there is no such law which quite successfully regulates activity of legal profession in the organizational and legal plan in Russia. However in other countries there are legal institutes and mechanisms more advanced in the human rights sphere, than in Russia which the Russian legislators could borrow also for improvement of legal profession. Without positive experience of the international principles of the organization and activity of legal profession, the Russian legal profession won’t be able fully to realize the goals and tasks. The Russian society will celebrate quarter of the century of the Constitution of the Russian Federation soon, however in the Basic law there is no mention of this human rights institute, very important for all society, - about legal profession and this situation needs to be corrected for what to provide article about legal profession in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, where to open the purposes, tasks and the principles of the organization of her activity.
Novelty/originality/value: The novelty of article consists that in her the status of legal profession at the present stage is analyzed.
Keywords: legal profession, Constitution of the Russian Federation, legal status.
References (transliterated)
1.Vlasov A.A. Katarakta na «Oko gosudarevo» // Rossijskaya yusticiya. 2001. № 8. S. 34.
2.Vlasov A.A., Kuksin I.N. Advokat v sudoproizvodstve: kratkij uchebny`j kurs. M., 2005. (Kratkie uchebny`e kursy` yuridicheskix nauk).
3.Ragulin A.V. Professional`ny`e prava advokata-zashhitnika v Rossijskoj Federacii i zarubezhny`x gosudarstvax: monografiya. M.: Yurlitinform, 2012.
4.Sharov G. Proekt ubeditel`ny`j, vzveshenny`j, dobrotny`j. Proekt Koncepcii regulirovaniya ry`nka professional`noj yuridicheskoj pomoshhi obrel zrimy`e ochertaniya // Vestnik Federal`noj palaty` advokatov. 2017. № 4. S. 232–241.
Momotov V.V.
Improvement of judicial representation: modern view
Purpose: To analyse initiatives of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of professionalizing of judicial representation.
Methodology: Historical, comparative and legal and formally legal methods were used.
Results: The author has paid attention to system approach of the highest judicial authority to a question of professionalizing of judicial representation which assumes not only introduction of mandatory requirements to qualification of judicial representatives, but also development of forms of payment of legal aid for increase in its availability. Foreign experience of a regulation of judicial representation is in details analysed. Questions of investment into trials are considered.
Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific value as is one of the first attempts in a complex to consider a current scientific and practical problem.
Keywords: judicial representation, investments, professional representation, success fee, court costs.
References (transliterated)
1.Baker J.H. Readers and Readings in the Inns of Courts and Chancery. Selden Society, 2000. P. 116–119.
2.Barendrecht M., Kistemaker L., etc. Legal Aid in Europe. ECHR, 2014. P. 85–86, 91–93.
3.Bogart C.P. The Case for Litigation Financing // Litigation. 2016. № 3. P. 11–14.
4.Country: Syngapore. Summary [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Emerging Issues in Third-Party Litigation Funding. Antitrust source: December 2016 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
7.Hodges K., Peysner J., Nurse A. Litigation Funding: Status and Issues. Oxford, 2012. P. 37–62.
8.Legal Aid in France. 05 March 2013 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
9.Litigation Finance Survey 2016. Burford Capital. London, 2016. P. 2–8.
10.Tarr A.G. Judicial Process and Judicial Policymaking. Bostn, 2013. P. 93.
11.Warren C. A History of the American Bar. Cosimo, 2006. P. 23– 31.
12.Asoskov A.V., Kozlova N.V., Pankratov P.A., Boger A.A. Problemy` ispolneniya grazhdansko-pravovy`x obyazatel`stv po okazaniyu yuridicheskoj pomoshhi // Sfera uslug: grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie: sb. statej / pod red. E.A. Suxanova, L.V. Sannikovoj. M.: Infotropik Media, 2011. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
13.Momotov V.V. Ry`nok sudebnogo predstavitel`stva: iz opy`ta kontinental`noj i anglosaksonskoj pravovoj tradicii // Zhurnal zarubezhnogo zakonodatel`stva i sravnitel`nogo pravovedeniya. 2017. № 4 (65). S. 43– 51.
14.Pisarev A. Venchurnoe pravosudie: kak investirovat` v sudebny`e dela // Sajt RBK [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Sidorov A.S.
To the question of admissibility of the announcement of the testimony victims and witnesses in court
Purpose: The article is devoted to the problem of assessing such evidence as the testimony of victims and witnesses who did not appear in court, from the point of view and their admissibility and observance of the guarantee of the defendants right to defense.
Methodology: The comparative and technical law methods were used.
Results: According to the Federal law of 2.03.2016 No. 40-FZ, in article 281 of the Criminal Procedure code of the Russian Federation there’s a new basis for decision by the court about the testimony of victims and witnesses who do not appear in court. It concerns the case when the result of the measures taken to establish the location of these persons to call at the hearing was not possible. Such a decision may be taken by the court provided that the accused (defendant) in the previous stages of the proceedings is giving the opportunity to challenge the evidence as provided by law.
The author explains the idea of provision in question violates the right of defendants to a defence and gives arguments in support of his position.
Novelty/originality/value: The author analyzed a new basis for reading out the testimony of victims and witnesses in a criminal case in the event that, as a result of the measures taken, it was not possible to determine the location of their location for summoning to the court session.
Keywords: court, accused, defendant, victim, witness, testimony.
References (transliterated)
1.Brusnicyn L.V. Zakonoproekt Verxovnogo Suda RF ob izmeneniyax statej 274 i 281 UPK RF ne sootvetstvuet pozicii Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka // Biblioteka kriminalista. 2013. № 4(9). S. 12–18.
2.Dmitrieva A.A. Novy`e pravila oglasheniya pokazanij sudom kak usilenie garantij processual`noj bezopasnosti uchastnikov ugolovnogo processa // Vestnik Yuzhno-Ural`skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Pravo. 2016. № 2. S. 76–79.
3.Zabuga E.E. K voprosu o neobxodimosti sovershenstvovaniya st. 281 UPK RF // Vestnik Omskoj yuridicheskoj akademii. 2015. № 3 (28). S. 69–71.
4.Zajceva E.A. Dopolneniya st. 281 UPK: ocherednaya popy`tka dostich` razumnogo balansa v sostyazatel`nom ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Zakonnost`. 2016. № 5. S. 51–54.
5.Sidorov A.S. K voprosu o neobxodimosti sovershenstvovaniya processual`nogo poryadka ochnoj stavki // Materialy` VI Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Aktual`ny`e problemy` sovershenstvovaniya zakonodatel`stva i pravoprimeneniya» (g. Ufa, 31 maya 2016 g.). Ufa, 2016. S. 304–310.
6.Sidorov A.S. K voprosu o novy`x osnovaniyax dlya oglasheniya pokazanij poterpevshix i svidetelej v sude // Vestnik Tyumenskogo instituta povy`sheniya kvalifikacii sotrudnikov MVD Rossii. 2016. № (2(7). S. 27–33.
7.Trepashkin M.I. Ochnaya stavka – ne dubina, a sredstvo ustraneniya protivorechij v uzhe imeyushhixsya pokazaniyax (zametki advokata) // Vash advokat. Mixail Trepashkin i partnery` [sajt] [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Shavin V.A.
The quality of appeal decisions in labor disputes
Purpose: To consider the quality of legal reasoning in the judicial acts of the second instance on labor disputes, in particular, and in civil cases, in general, and to develop, if necessary, proposals for its improvement.
Methodology: We used both general scientific (analysis and synthesis, induction, logical method) and private scientific research methods (comparative legal and statistical).
Results: The existence of a problem with the quality of judicial acts adopted by the second instance on labour disputes, in particular, and civil cases, in general, and the ways to solve it.
Novelty/originality/value: We proposed a new approach to determining the qualitative characteristics of a judicial act is suggested, as the presence of a ratio decidendi in it, which indicates the novelty and originality of the article. A detailed analysis of the identified systemic problem with the availability of legal reasoning in the judicial acts of the second instance and proposals for its solution indicate the value of the study.
Keywords: the quality of the court decision, the appeal, ratio decidendi, the legal conclusion, motivation of the court decision.
References (transliterated)
1.Apellyacionnoe opredelenie ot 02.08.2011 Nizhegor-odskogo oblastnogo suda po delu № 33-3206/2016. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
2.Apellyacionnoe opredelenie ot 22.03.2016 Nizhegorodskogo oblastnogo suda po delu № 33-3206/2016 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.Bevzenko R. Est` li smy`sl v osvobozhdenii sudej ot obyazannosti gotovit` sudebny`e akty` s motivirovkoj? [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Zagajnova S.K. Sudebny`e akty` v grazhdanskom i arbitrazhnom processe: teoreticheskie i prikladny`e problemy`: avtoref. dis. … d-ra yurid. nauk. Ekaterinburg, 2008 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.Oxlopkov E.V. Kogda vy`igrannoe v sude delo ne prinosit udovletvoreniya [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Seminar dlya povy`sheniya kvalifikacii sudej Slavgorodskogo gorodskogo suda Altajskogo kraya: «Kul`tura pis`mennoj rechi pri sostavlenii sudebny`x aktov» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
7.Strizhak A.V. E`ksperiment s sudebnoj sistemoj – «chto mozhet advokat i order». Lidiruet Strizhak [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
8.Tolkovy`j slovar` Ozhegova. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949–1992 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
9.Tolkovy`j slovar` Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935–1940 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
10.Shadlovskaya O.D. Prikaznoe proizvodstvo kak uproshhennaya forma grazhdanskogo sudoproizvodstva: avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2015. S. 25 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
11.Yazy`k i stil` sudebny`x dokumentov. Prakticheskie rekomendacii po oformleniyu sudebny`x aktov. SPb.: KADIS, 2002.
Sultanov A.R.
Contest of regulations under the Code of administrative legal proceedings of the Russian Federation and legal consequences
Purpose: To review the effectiveness of the challenged normative acts from the point of view of restoration of violated rights by the use of illegal normative act.
Methodology: Logical, systemic, historical, formal-legal methods were used.
Results: According to the author of the currently effective remedy of challenging the regulations is very limited in connection with the imperfection of the procedure of revision on again opened circumstances. This imperfection could be partly offset by judicial interpretation. However, the problem can be solved systematically only by the legislator.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value and practical significance, because it considers the actual and important practical problem.
Keywords: review on new circumstances, remedy, restoration of violated rights, fair trial, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
References (transliterated)
1.Gadzhiev G.A. Kategoriya «prednaznachenie» v konstitucionnom sudoproizvodstve // Aktual`ny`e problemy` teorii i praktiki konstitucionnogo sudoproizvodstva. Kazan`. 2007. S. 41.
2.Dedov D.I. Realizaciya principa sorazmernosti v pravovom regulirovanii predprinimatel`skoj deyatel`nosti: avtoref. dis. … d-ra yurid. nauk. M., 2005. S. 12.
3.Nikitin S.V. Sovershenstvovanie pravovogo regulirovaniya poryadka rassmotreniya sudami del ob osparivanii normativny`x aktov // Rossijskoe pravosudie. 2016. № 10. S. 37.
4.Nikitin S.V. Sudebny`j kontrol` za normativny`mi pravovy`mi aktami v grazhdanskom i arbitrazhnom processe. M., 2010. S. 243–244.
5.Slepchenko E.A. Grazhdanskoe sudoproizvodstvo. Problemy` edinstva i differenciacii. SPb., 2011. S. 107.
6.Stepanov V.V. Problemy` sudebnogo vozmeshheniya pereplaty` potrebitelyu kommunal`nogo resursa vvidu ustanovleniya normativny`m pravovy`m aktom neobosnovannoj ceny` (tarifa) ili normativa potrebleniya // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Yuridicheskie nauki. 2017. № 3. S. 350–360.
7.Sultanov A.R. O prave zainteresovanny`x licz na obzhalovanie resheniya po delu ob osparivanii normativnogo akta // Vestnik grazhdanskogo processa. 2016. № 5. S. 87–109.
8.Sultanov A.R. Implementaciya Postanovlenij ESPCh i o nekotory`x posledstviyax Postanovleniya Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 14 iyulya 2015 g. № 21-P // Sluzhenie pravu. Pamyati professora V.A. Tumanova posvyashhaetsya: sbornik statej / pod red. D.A. Tumanova, M.V. Zaxarovoj. M., 2017. S. 169–176.
9.Sultanov A.R. Osparivanie normativny`x aktov v arbitrazhny`x sudax i formirovanie edinoobraznoj praktiki Prezidiumom VAS RF // Vestnik grazhdanskogo processa. 2012. № 1. S. 51–86.
10.Sultanov A.R. Otvod arbitrazhny`x zasedatelej // Zakon. 2008. № 3. S. 163–171.
11.Sultanov A.R. Ocherk o primenenii norm Konstitucii RF i ispolnenii reshenij Konstitucionnogo Suda RF v arbitrazhny`x sudax i sudax obshhej yurisdikcii // Vestnik grazhdanskogo processa. 2012. № 2. S. 283–313.
12.Sultanov A.R. Postanovleniya ESPCh v grazhdanskom processe: perezagruzka? // Vestnik grazhdanskogo processa. 2015. № 6. S. 69–91.
13.Sultanov A.R. Pravovy`e posledstviya postanovlenij ESPCh dlya licz, uchastvovavshix v rassmotrenii dela, i tret`ix licz // Arbitrazhnaya praktika. 2007. № 7.
14.Sultanov A.R. Praktika Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka, povod uchit`sya na chuzhix oshibkax // Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe i chastnoe pravo. 2007. № 6. S. 17–19.
15.Sultanov A.R. Retrospektivnost` pravovy`x pozicij Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda RF v administrativnom sudoproizvodstve // Vestnik grazhdanskogo processa. 2017. T. 7. № 4. S. 247–261.
16.Sultanov A.R. Unifikaciya norm o peresmotre po vnov` otkry`vshimsya obstoyatel`stvam kak sovershenstvovanie sredstv ispravleniya sudebnoj oshibki // Zakon. 2007. № 11. S. 99–113.
17.Yudin A.V. Grazhdanskoe processual`noe pravonarushenie i otvetstvennost`. SPb., 2009. S. 15.
Ermilov V.B.
Civil liability «nominal head» of the organization to bankruptcy
Purpose: To research is a comprehensive study of the specifics of civil liability of the «nominal Manager» in the bankruptcy of organizations under the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Methodology: Comparative legal and formal legal methods were Used.
Results: In the article it was analyzed the terms «nominal head», «actual head» and reveals the criteria that allow to classify the heads of organizations as such. At the same time, the use of this term is complicated by the absence of its fixed in the bankruptcy Law and the regulatory established criteria for classifying managers as nominal. The conducted research shows the need to Supplement article 2 of the bankruptcy Law with the concept of»nominal Manager». The article describes the conditions of civil liability of nominal managers in the insolvency (bankruptcy) of a legal entity. Examines the issues on the basis of liability of the nominal leaders on the nature of the offences committed by these individuals. A set of mandatory conditions necessary for bringing to subsidiary responsibility the nominal managers of the debtor is considered.
Novelty/originality/value: The Article has a high scientific value, as it is one of the first attempts to consider the issue of bringing to civil liability of the «nominal head» of the organization in the bankruptcy case.
Keywords: insolvency (bankruptcy), subsidiary liability, controlling person of the debtor, «nominal Manager» of the debtor.
References (transliterated)
1.Korporativnoe pravo: uchebny`j kurs. T. 2. / otv. red. I.S. Shitkina. M.: Statut, 2018.
2.Orlenko V. Privlechenie rukovoditelej i drugix kontroliruyushhix licz k subsidiarnoj otvetstvennosti v ramkax procedury` bankrotstva (poslednie zakonodatel`ny`e izmeneniya i osobennosti ix primeneniya) // Trudovoe pravo. 2018. № 4. S. 5–24.
3.Ry`kov I. Subsidiarnaya otvetstvennost` v Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: Statut, 2017.
Podolskii Yu.D.
Substantiation in the detached disputes
Purpose: To analyze peculiarities of substantiation in the detached disputes within insolvency (bankruptcy) proceedings in Russian Federation.
Methodology: Review of legal constructions in Russian procedural legislation and litigation practice of the highest courts. Application of methods of doctrinal and teleological interpretation of statutes of law.
Results: The author highlights a specific substantiation standard in consideration of the detached disputes, intense usage of evidence presumptions, justifies theoretical background for individual approach of courts of law in such cases.
Novelty/originality/value: Procedural traits in consideration of the detached disputes are formulated – contrail division of burden of proof and application of specific substantiation standards. The results could be useful both in doctrine of procedural law and law practice including legal one.
Keywords: substantiation standard; detached disputes; insolvency (bankruptcy); presumption; adversarial nature; commercial («arbitrazh«) procedure.
References (transliterated)
1.Maly`shev K.I. Kurs grazhdanskogo sudoproizvodstva. T. I. 2-e izd. 1876. S. 274–275.
2.Murad``yan E`.M. Istina kak problema sudebnogo prava. M.: By`lina, 2002. S. 60–62.
3.Noviczkij V.A. Teoriya rossijskogo processual`nogo dokazy`vaniya i pravoprimeneniya [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Reshetnikova I.V. Dokazy`vanie v grazhdanskom processe: ucheb.-prakt. posob. dlya magistrov. 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Yurajt, 2013. S. 20.
5.Reshetnikova I.V. Sostyazatel`nost` grazhdanskogo sudoproizvodstva cherez prizmu sudebnoj praktiki // Zakon. 2005. № 3. S. 80–82 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Serikov Yu.A. Prezumpcii v grazhdanskom sudoproizvodstve / nauch. red. V.V. Yarkov. M.: Volters Kluver, 2006. S. 25.
7.Treushnikov M.K. Grazhdanskoe processual`noe zakonodatel`stvo (kommentarij) / pod red. V.P. Volozhanina. M.: Yurid. lit., b.g. S. 134–135.
8.Shershenevich G.F. Uchenie o nesostoyatel`nosti. Kazan`, 1890. S. 256.
9.Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights, 1969, The Greek Case // The European Commission and European Court of Human Rights. The Hague: Martinus Nijhof, 1972.
10.Opredelenie SKE`S Verxovnogo Suda RF ot 04.06.2018 № 05-E`S18-413.
11.Opredelenie Verxovnogo Suda RF ot 06.04.2016 № 310-E`S15-7336(10) po delu № A62-7344/2013.
12.Postanovlenie Prezidiuma VAS RF ot 15 fevralya 2011 g. № 13603/10.
13.Postanovlenie Prezidiuma VAS RF ot 13.05.2014 № 1446/14 po delu № A41-36402/2012.
14.Opredeleniya Verxovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 09.10.2015 № 305-KG15-5805, ot 28.04.2017 № 305-E`S16-19572, ot 17.10.2017 № 310-E`S17-8992.
15.Ustav sudoproizvodstva torgovogo, p. 2 st. 554, t. 10, st. 1483.
16.Opredelenie VS RF ot 15.02.2018 № 302-E`S14-1472.
Olenev A.B.
Standard regulation of the professional right of the lawyer defender on criminal case on commission of the actions which aren’t contradicting the legislation in the foreign states
Purpose: A research of a standard regulation of the professional right of the lawyer defender on criminal case for commission of the actions which aren’t contradicting the legislation in the foreign states.
Methodology: Formal-legal and comparative-legal methods were used.
Results: In work it is established that in most the states of the former USSR, namely in Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Latvia and Estonia the legislator has provided that the rights of the lawyer defender formally aren’t limited, and situation according to which the lawyer defender within the professional activity has the right to make any actions is fixed, including, to use any means and ways of protection which aren’t forbidden by the legislation. Similar approach is used by the legislator of such states as Romania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Norway, Vietnam, Argentina, Guatemala, Chile, Venezuela, Mexico. In such states of the former USSR as Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Moldova, Uzbekistan the volume of the professional rights of the lawyer defender is limited to the rights which are directly provided by the legislation on lawyer activity and legal profession and the criminal procedure legislation. Similar approach is used by the legislator of such states as Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Brunei, China, Turkey. The analysis of the legislation of the states of the former USSR and a number of the states of foreign countries has allowed to reveal forty eight professional rights of the lawyer defender which are directly provided in his provisions which are directly not affirmed in the legislation of the Russian Federation and which don’t contradict him, so, can be realized by domestic lawyers defenders within implementation of professional activity.
Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific value as is one of the first attempts of a research of a standard regulation of the professional right of the lawyer defender on criminal case for commission of the actions which aren’t contradicting the legislation in the foreign states.
Keywords: the lawyer defender, the professional rights of the lawyer, the right of the lawyer defender for commission of the actions which aren’t contradicting the legislation, legal profession of the foreign states.
References (transliterated)
1.Ansel` M. Metodologicheskie problemy` sravnitel`-nogo prava // Ocherki sravnitel`nogo prava. M.: Progress, 1981. S. 38.
2.Zivs S.L. O metode sravnitel`nogo issledovaniya v nauke o gosudarstve i prave // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1964. № 3. S. 23–35.
3.Ragulin A.V. Professional`ny`e prava advokata-zashhitnika v Rossijskoj Federacii: voprosy` teorii i praktiki: dis. … d-ra yurid. nauk. M., 2015. S. 71–88.
4.Tixomirov Yu.A. Kurs sravnitel`nogo pravovedeniya. M.: NORMA, 1996.
5.K yubileyu Yuriya Aleksandrovicha Tixomirova // Evrazijskij yuridicheskij zhurnal. 2011. № 8 (39). S. 140–141.
Yankin A.N.
Foreign experience of protection of private life in the information environment during criminal case production
Purpose: Studying of foreign experience of protection of private life in the information environment during criminal case production.
Methodology: The historical and legal method and a method of the komparativny analysis are used.
Results: In article the practical experience of protection of private life in the information environment is considered during criminal case production in foreign countries. The conclusion is drawn that there are three systems of regulation of private life in the information environment – centralized decentralized and mixed. The author has designated the key signs characteristic of each of them. Following the results of work it has become clear that the information environment is rather difficult segment of regulation of private life, however in many foreign states rather effective mechanisms of her protection in information space are developed.
Novelty/originality/value: The novelty of the real research consists in systematization of the existing foreign experience of protection of private life in the information environment during criminal case production in criminal trial of some foreign states.
Keywords: personal privacy, personal data, the information environment, criminal proceedings, intervention of the state in private life centralized and the decentralized system of legal regulation, the commissioner on protection of personal data.
References (transliterated)
1.Gorelixina O.A., Shlin`kov A.A. Pravovaya zashhita personal`ny`x danny`x v Germanii // Voprosy` e`konomiki i prava. 2013. № 3.
2.Ivanskaya A.V., Kovalev S.I. Pravovoe regulirovanie zashhity` personal`ny`x danny`x v nekotory`x stranax Evrosoyuza, SShA i Kanady` // Pravovaya iniciativa. 2013. № 12.
3.Kalashnikova E.E. Ugolovno-pravovoe obespechenie neprikosnovennosti informacii o chastnoj zhizni: avtoref. dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2001.
4.Kalabaev O.U. Problemy` oxrany` tajny` chastnoj zhizni v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve: avtoref. dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. Izhevsk, 2005.
5.Novaya paradigma zashhity` i upravleniya personal`ny`mi danny`mi v Rossijskoj Federacii i zarubezhny`x stranax v usloviyax razvitiya sistem obrabotki danny`x v seti Internet: monografiya / koll. avt. M.: Vy`sshaya Shkola E`konomiki, 2016.
6.Olejnik S.A., Mel`nichuk M.A. Pravovoe regulirovanie dostupa k informacii na primere Kanady` (sravnitel`no-pravovaya xarakteristika) // Vestnik Mezhdunarodnogo instituta e`konomiki i prava. 2016. № 4(25).
7.Paraskevov A.V., Levchenko A.V., Kuxol` Yu.A. Sravnitel`ny`j analiz pravovogo regulirovaniya zashhity` personal`ny`x danny`x v Rossii i za rubezhom // Politematicheskij setevoj e`lektronny`j nauchny`j zhurnal Kubanskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta. 2015. № 110.
8.Pozdnikin P.Yu. Informaciya i chastnaya zhizn`: problemy`, regulirovanie, vzglyady` // Problemy` v rossijskom zakonodatel`stve. Yuridicheskij zhurnal. 2010. № 1.
Dineka V.I., Daishutov M.M.
The legal significance of guilt and causation in willful and reckless crimes
Purpose: To determine the significance of guilt and causation in deliberate and reckless crimes.
Methodology: We used formal legal, comparative legal, system analysis and other methods of cognition.
Results: In article the mistakes which are found in practice in determination of fault and a causal relationship at assessment of perfect actions are specified; need of carrying out the careful analysis of the intellectual and strong-willed moment of various forms of fault for establishment by the communication reason in perfect act and the come consequences is proved at qualification of deeds.
Novelty/originality/value: Article has a certain scientific and practical value as in her current problems of science of criminal law and practice of use of criminal precepts of law are considered.
Keywords: fault, intent, negligence, causal connection, skill mistakes, crime.
References (transliterated)
1.Bojczova Zh.A. K voprosu o differenciacii ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti za prestupleniya, predusmotrenny`e st. 327 UK RF // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2016. № 2. S. 104.
2.Bojczova Zh.A. K voprosu ob istorii razvitiya rossijskogo zakonodatel`stva ob ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti za poddelku dokumentov // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2014. № 6. S. 114.
3.Bojczova Zh.A. K voprosu ob obshhestvennoj opasnosti poddelki, izgotovleniya ili sby`ta poddel`ny`x dokumentov, gosudarstvenny`x nagrad, shtampov, pechatej, blankov // Aktual`ny`e problemy` bor`by` s korrupciej i organizovannoj prestupnost`yu: sbornik nauchny`x statej po itogam nauchno-prakticheskogo seminara v Moskovskom universitete MVD Rossii, sostoyavshegosya 29 aprelya 2009 g. / pod red. d-ra yurid. nauk, prof. N.G. Kadnikova i kand. yurid. nauk M.M. Maly`kovceva. M., 2009. S. 232.
4.Kadnikov N.G. Klassifikaciya prestuplenij po ugolovnomu pravu Rossii. M.: Yurid. izd-vo MVD RF, 2000. S. 5–16.
Boytsova Zh.A.
To the question of the subject of the crime provided for in Art. 327 of the Criminal Law
of the Russian Federation
Purpose: To determine the circle of persons acting as the subject of the crime of the composition of counterfeiting, manufacturing or sale of forged documents, state awards, seals, stamps, forms.
Methodology: Private-scientific methods of cognition were used: formal legal, comparative legal, system analysis, and others.
Results: In article the argument in justification of a conclusion about need of criminal prosecution of the natural persons acting on behalf and for the benefit of legal entities and committing the crime provided by Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is proved (along with administrative prosecution of legal entities).
Novelty/originality/value: Article has a certain scientific and practical value as in her current problems of science of criminal law and practice of use of criminal precepts of law are considered.
Keywords: subject, responsibility, age, responsibility, forgery, production, sale, document, seal, stamp, form.
References (transliterated)
1.Bojczova Zh.A. Ugolovnaya otvetstvennost` za poddelku, izgotovlenie ili sby`t poddel`ny`x dokumentov, gosudarstvenny`x nagrad, shtampov, pechatej, blankov: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2016.
2.Brodnevskaya Ya.V. Znachenie predmeta prestu-pleniya pri kvalifikacii deyanij po st. 327 UK RF // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2009. S. 61–68.
3.Zhukovskij V.I. Sub``ekt prestupleniya v ugolovnom prave Rossii: monografiya. Stavropol`: SKSI, 2006. S. 27.
4.Kelina S.G., Kudryavcev V.N. Principy` sovetskogo ugolovnogo prava. M.: Nauka, 1988. S. 99–100.
5.Kurs ugolovnogo prava. T. 1. Obshhaya chast`. Uchenie o prestuplenii / pod red. N.F. Kuzneczovoj, I.M. Tyazhkovoj. M.: Zerczalo-M, 2002. S. 264–265.
6.Lejkina N.S. Lichnost` prestupnika i ugolovnaya otvetstvennost`: dis. … d-ra yurid. nauk. L., 1969. S. 37.
7.Naumov A.V. Rossijskoe ugolovnoe pravo: kurs lekcij: v 3 t. T. 1: Obshhaya chast`. 5-e izd. M.: VoltersKluver, 2011. S. 354.
8.Pavlov V.G. Sub``ekt prestupleniya. SPb.: Yurid. centr Press, 2001. S. 68–69.
9.Postanovlenie Tuapsinskogo gorodskogo suda (Krasnodarskij kraj) № 5-119/2012 ot 22 noyabrya 2012 g. po delu № 5-119/2012 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
10.Tagancev N.S. Russkoe ugolovnoe pravo. Chast` obshhaya. T. 1. Tula: Avtograf, 2001. S. 307–308.
11.Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaya i Osobennaya chasti: uchebnik / pod red. I.M. Maczkevicha, N.G. Kadnikova. M., 2015. S. 176.
12.Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Chasti Obshhaya i Osobennaya: uchebnik / M.P. Zhuravlev i dr.; pod red. A.I. Raroga. 8-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Prospekt, 2014. S. 126.
13.Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii: uchebnik: v 2 t. T. 1: Obshhaya chast` / pod red. N.G. Kadnikova. M.: Yurisprudenciya, 2018. S. 185.
Dzhafarli V.F.
Critical criminal-law analysis of Art. 187 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
«Illegal turn of means of payments»
Purpose: To make a detailed analysis of Art. 187 of the Crim. Code of the Russian Federation, focusing on specific methods of committing crime.
Methodology: Technical legal, comparative legal, historic legal, dialectical methods were used.
Results: Provides a critical criminal analysis of Art. 187 of the Crim. Code of the Russian Federation, providing responsibility for an illegal turn of means of payments.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has scientific value, as it suggests improving the criminal law by modification Art. 187 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation « Illegal turn of means of payments».
Keywords: critical analysis, information technology, electronic payment instruments, improvement of legislation.
Пристатейный библиографический список
1.Джафарли В.Ф. Уголовная ответственность за совершение хищений в банковской сфере, связанная с использованием электронных платежных средств: дис. ... канд. юрид. наук. М., 2003. С. 145.
Moliboga N.O.
Concept and content of illegal export of capital abroad
Purpose: Consideration of the concept and content of illegal export of capital abroad.
Methodology: Comparative, system and statistical methods were used.
Results: The article analyzes the concept of illegal export of capital and related processes and phenomena. The classification of the main methods is proposed. Quantitative assessment of the scale of illegal export of capital from Russia is given.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a certain scientific value, because it deals with the actual problem associated with the illegal export of capital.
Keywords: capital, export of capital, illegal export, ways of illegal export, the scale of illegal exportation.
References (transliterated)
1.Abalkin L. Begstvo kapitala: priroda, forma, metody` bor`by` // Voprosy` e`konomiki. 1998. № 7. S. 33–41.
2.Andrianov V.D., Krivopustova E.S. Prichiny`, dinamika i masshtaby` ottoka kapitala iz e`konomiki Rossii // Den`gi i kredit. 2015. № 2. S. 61–65.
3.Bulatov A.S. Platezhny`j balans Rossii v 2016-m – nachale 2017 goda // Den`gi i kredit. 2017. № 7. S. 19–24.
4.Vneshnee`konomicheskie svyazi Rossii: sovremen-ny`e vy`zovy` i vozmozhny`e otvety`: koll. monografiya / pod red. V.P. Obolenskogo. M.: Institut e`konomiki RAN, 2016.
5.Gureeva M.A. Mirovaya e`konomika: ucheb. posob. M.: ID «FORUM»: INFRA-M, 2016.
6.Kostyuk M.F., Kosheleva M.V. Bankovskie riski i ix pravovy`e posledstviya // Rossijskij sledovatel`. 2017. № 6. S. 24–27.
7.Koshel` Yu.G. Begstvo kapitala kak faktor destabilizacii nacional`noj e`konomiki: avtoref. dis. ... kand. e`kon. nauk. M., 2010.
8.Leonova N.V. Analiz metodiki rascheta pokazatelya chistogo vvoza / vy`voza kapitala chastny`m sektorom v sisteme e`mpiricheskix ocenok masshtabov begstva kapitala // Den`gi i kredit. 2017. № 12. S. 40–48.
9.Morozko N.I., Didenko I.Yu. Finansovy`j menedzhment: ucheb. posob. M.: INFRA-M, 2014.
10.Obolenskij V.P. Vy`voz kapitala iz Rossii: masshtaby`, e`ffekty`, problemy` // Rossijskij vneshnee`konomicheskij vestnik. 2014. № 11. S. 3–16.
11.Rajzberg B.A., Lozovskij L.Sh., Starodubceva E.B. Sovremenny`j e`konomicheskij slovar`. 6-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Infra-M, 2017.
12.Rossijskaya model` e`ksporta kapitala: monografiya / pod red. A.S. Bulatova. M.: MGIMO-Universitet, 2014.
13.Sulakshin S.S. i dr. Ottok kapitala iz Rossii: problemy` i resheniya // Trudy` Centra problemnogo analiza i gosudarstvenno-upravlencheskogo proektirovaniya. Vy`p. 26. M.: Nauchny`j e`kspert, 2013.
14.Cherepnenko N.E. Nelegal`ny`j vy`voz kapitala i puti ego predotvrashheniya: avtoref. dis. ... kand. e`kon. nauk. M., 2005.
15.Chuvaxina L.G. Faktory` i usloviya nelegal`nogo vy`voza kapitala iz Rossii // Izvestiya Tul`skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2016. № 1. S. 309–317.
16.E`konomika: uchebnik / pod red. d-ra e`kon. nauk. prof. A.S. Bulatova. 5-e izd., stereotip. M.: Magistr: INFRA-M, 2012.
Volkova T.B.
State policy in the sphere of migration
Purpose: A research of topical issues of state policy of Russia in the sphere of migration.
Methodology: Formal-legal and system methods were used.
Results: In article topical issues of a concept and content of migration policy are considered. Her types and features of legal regulation are analyzed.
Novelty/originality/value: Article has a certain scientific and practical value as in her scientific and practical problems of migration policy are considered.
Keywords: safety, entrance, departure, stay, policy, economy, migration, threat, responsibility.
References (transliterated)
2.Koncepciya gosudarstvennoj migracionnoj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2025 goda (Utverzhdena Prezidentom RF ot 13 iyunya 2012 g.) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.Kostyuk M.F. Ugolovnaya politika po pravovomu re-
gulirovaniyu i protivodejstviyu organizacii nezakonnoj mig-
racii // Problemy` v rossijskom zakonodatel`stve. Mezh-dunarodny`j yuridicheskij zhurnal. 2013. № 2 S. 131–135.
4.Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Tolkovy`j slovar` russkogo yazy`ka: 80 000 slov i frazeologicheskix vy`razhenij / Rossijskaya Akademiya nauk. Institut russkogo yazy`ka im. V.V. Vinogradova. 4-e izd., dop. M.: Azbukovnik, 1997. S. 553.
5.Strategiya nacional`noj bezopasnosti RF do 2020 goda (Utverzhdena Ukazom Prezidenta RF ot 12.05.2009 № 537) // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva RF. 2009. 18 maya. № 20. St. 2444.
6.Strategiya e`konomicheskoj bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2030 goda (utverzhdena Ukazom Prezidenta RF ot 13.05.2017 № 208) // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva RF. 2017. 15 maya. № 20. St. 2902.
7.Universal`ny`j e`nciklopedicheskij slovar`. M.: Bol`-shaya Rossijskaya e`nciklopediya, 1999. S. 788.
Edilova Kh.V.
Defamation in foreign countries on the example of the criminal legislation of Russia, Sweden and the Republic of Korea
Purpose: The article describes the foreign legislation in the field of criminal law protection from defamation.
Methodology: Were used in article theoretical - applied, system, comparative legal methods.
Results: On the basis of a comprehensive study, it was concluded that the concept of «defamation» should be introduced into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and that norms and its components should be placed in a separate chapter.
Novelty/originality/value: The value of the article is that the conclusions and recommendations made in it are based on the analysis of foreign legislation and are the basis for improving the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. They can also be the subject of scientific discussions. In addition, the issues raised in the article will contribute to a unified practice of applying the norms analyzed in it.
Keywords: defamation, privacy, slander, honor and dignity of the individual.
References (transliterated)
1.Vavily`china T.Yu. Sovremenny`e problemy` zashhity` chesti i dostoinstva lichnosti: ugolovno-pravovoj i kriminologicheskij aspekty`: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2012.
2.Kartashkin V.A., Lukasheva E.A. Mezhdunarodny`e akty` o pravax cheloveka: sbornik dokumentov. M.: Norma: Infra-M, 1998.
3.Krasikov A.N. Ugolovno-pravovaya oxrana prav i svobod cheloveka v Rossii // Zakonnost`. 1997. № 2.
4.Koroleva M.M. Prestupleniya protiv chesti i dostoinstva po ugolovnomu pravu Rossijskoj Federacii i stran ATR: Yaponii, Respubliki Koreya i Kitajskoj Narodnoj Respubliki: sravnitel`no-pravovoj analiz: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2011.
5.Nurkaeva T.N. Obespechenie grazhdanskix prav i svobod lichnosti v RF: lekciya. Ufa, 1997.
6.Smirnova A.A. Diffamaciya kak pravonarushenie i zloupotreblenie pravom: konstitucionno-pravovoj aspekt: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Tver`, 2008.
7.Talimonchik V.P. Mezhdunarodno-pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenij v sfere informacii: dis. ... d-ra yurid. nauk. SPb., 2013.
8.Czady`kova E`.A. Konstitucionnoe pravo na neprikosnovennost` chastnoj zhizni: sravnitel`no-pravovoe issledovanie: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2007.
Kazachenok S.Yu.
Compensation as a pre-emptive tool of private-legal protection of intellectual rights
Purpose: To study the mechanism of compensation as a preferential tool of private law protection of intellectual rights.
Methodology: The author used private-scientific methods of knowledge: formal-legal, comparative-legal, historical, system analysis and others.
Results: It is established that the modern legislation in the field of protection and protection of the results of intellectual work provides for various methods of influence on offenders. At the same time, the established measures of both public and private law liability do not create an unimpeded barrier in the case of violation of intellectual rights, and do not guarantee the safe development of intellectual activity. The analysis of the compensation awards as a special means of protection of intellectual property rights Separately, the author examines the problem of overcompensation caused by the misuse of the rights from the copyright holder.
Novelty/originality/value: The author reveals the advantages of the considered form of judicial protection along with other private legal measures of responsibility (in particular, compensation of losses), offers an algorithm of submission to the judicial authorities of claims for compensation, depending on the presence / absence of evidence, which has the right holder.
Keywords: intellectual rights, protection of the results of intellectual work by civil law methods, compensation, abuse of rights, overcompensation, over-compensation.
References (transliterated)
1.Gavrilov E`.P. Kompensaciya za narushenie isklyuchitel`ny`x prav i nekotory`e novy`e aspekty` ee primeneniya // Pravo intellektual`noj sobstvennosti. Avtorskoe pravo i smezhny`e prava. XXI vek. M., 2016. S. 754.
2.Internet-konferenciya Rukovoditelya Federal`noj sluzhby` po intellektual`noj sobstvennosti, patentam i tovarny`m znakam B.P. Simonova «Sostoyanie zakonodatel`stva v sfere intellektual`noj sobstvennosti i ego perspektivy`», provedennaya 21 dekabrya 2014 g. Kompaniej «Garant» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.Opredelenie VAS RF ot 26.07.2012 № VAS-5623/12 po delu № A41-4420/09 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Postanovlenie Pervogo arbitrazhnogo apellyacionnogo suda ot 04.07.2012 po delu № A43-10517/2011 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.Postanovlenie ot 21 iyulya 2017 g. po delu № A60-10618/2011 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:; Postanovlenie Prezidiuma VAS RF № 5816/11 ot 25.09.2011  [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Reshenie Arbitrazhnogo suda g. Moskvy` ot 26 avgusta 2014 g. po delu № A40-67342/2014 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Fatullaeva I.F.
Legal aspects of construction private living community in modern day Russia
Purpose: Consideration of a question of construction living community in Russia based on Chamber of young legislators of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation draft law. This draft law gives a legal status to private living community.
Methodology: The author applied dialectical method, historical-legal method, logical method, dogmatical method, technical legal method, rather-legal method.
Results: The paper demonstrates the need of introduction the term «private legal community« in Housing Code of the Russian Federation. It analyses the legal implications of introduction this term.
Novelty/originality/value: The paper has the scientific value and important practical significance, which is provided by timeliness of the topic and contains recommendations of civil rental market constitution in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: private legal community, young tenant, civil rental market, house-buying.
References (transliterated)
1.Golubkova M., Zhurman O., Timofeeva A. i dr. Vuzskaya Kojka // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2013. № 6169 (193). 30 avgusta.
2.Gorina E`.D. Chastny`e obshhezhitiya: vozmozhnost` ili real`nost`? // Zhurnal nauchny`x publikacij aspirantov i doktorantov. 2011. 23 dekabrya.
3.Krutalevich A.N. Mobil`nost` kak cennostnaya xarakteristika kul`tury` novejshego vremeni // Vestnik Chelyabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2015. № 9 (364).
4.Kulikov V. V tesnote, no ne v obide // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2018. № 7482 (19). 29 yanvarya.
5.Obrazovatel`ny`j informacionny`j portal RosVuz [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Portal upolnomochennogo po pravam studentov [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
7.Smirnova A.A., Shomina E.S. Zhilishhny`j vopros dlya studentov: problemy` i vozmozhnosti // E`konomicheskie i social`no-gumanitarny`e issledovaniya. 2016. № 3(11).
Tkhakakhov A.M.
Legal Education as an Instrument for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms in Modern Russia
Purpose: To identify the main features of the development of legal education as an instrument for the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in modern Russia.
Methodology: The article uses the formal legal method, the method of comparative analysis.
Results: The author turns to the study of the role of legal education in the formation and development of legal culture, legal values and knowledge in modern Russian society in the context of the protection of human and citizen rights and freedoms. The article analyzes the general state of the system of legal education, identifies its main components, identifies problems and significance for modern Russian society. The author draws attention to the importance of the value aspects of legal education, their importance for the education of legal culture and professional lawyers, and the general population.
Novelty/originality/value: The article is devoted to the actual for the modern Russian legal science and Russia in general topic - the role of legal education in the protection of human and citizen’s rights and freedoms. The results obtained in the article can be used to further improve the Russian legal education system.
Keywords: human rights, legal culture, legal values, legal knowledge, legal education, law, law.
References (transliterated)
1.Axmetov A.S. Aktual`ny`e voprosy` pravovogo obrazovaniya // Izvestiya Tul`skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. E`konomicheskie i yuridicheskie nauki. 2017. № 2. Ch. 2. S. 30–37.
2.Berulava G.A. Metodologicheskie aspekty` razvitiya sistemy` vy`sshego obrazovaniya v sovremennom informacionnom obshhestve // Vestnik universiteta Rossijskoj akademii obrazovaniya. 2009. № 1.
3.Vasil`ev A.A. Koncepciya pravovogo vospitaniya v kontekste konservativnoj pravovoj doktriny` Rossii // Yuridicheskoe obrazovanie i nauka. 2012. № 3. S. 11–14.
4.Voskresenskaya E.V. Problema kachestva yuridi-
cheskogo obrazovaniya v sovremennoj Rossii // Sovremen-
ny`e problemy` nauki i obrazovaniya. 2017. № 2 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.Zolotuxin V.M., Suslova S.V. Pravovaya kul`tura i obrazovanie // Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2011. № 2(46).
6.Klimentov V.L. Razvitie pravosoznaniya i pravovoj kul`tury` v processe yuridicheskogo obrazovaniya // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2011. № 2 (50). S. 207–210.
7.Petrov A.V., Gorbatova M.K. Yuridicheskoe obrazovanie kak e`lement pravovoj kul`tury` // Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N.I. Lobachevskogo. 2007. № 3. S. 175–182.
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