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Индексирование журнала

Импакт-фактор российских научных журналов


Historical experience
Martyshkin V.N.
Vasilyev Timothey Vasilyevich – the patriot, the jurist (about the first international lawyer in Great Britain)
In article the main stages of T.V. Vasilyev’s life and activity are described.
Keywords: history of state and law, T.V. Vasilyev, repressions.
Work bibliographic list
1. Abramov V.K. Mordovskij narod (1897–1939). – Saransk, 1996.
2. Abramov V.K. Mordovskoe nacional'noe dvizhenie. – Saransk, 2011.
3. Bagautdinov F.N. / Universitet. Jurfak. Bazhanov. – Kazan', 2007.
4. Berdjaev N.A. Russkaja ideja. Sud'ba Rossii. – M., 1997.
5. Bukin M.S. Stanovlenie Mordovskoj sovetskoj nacional'noj gosudarstvennosti. – Saransk, 1990.
6. Vasil'ev T.V. Mordovija. – Saransk, 2007.
7. Verhovnyj Sud Respubliki Mordovija. Vehi stanovlenija. / Sost.: Kuryshev G.A., Bargova T.S., Litjushkin V.I., Martyshkin V.N. – Saransk, 2008.
8. Dal' V.I.Tolkovyj slovar' zhivogo velikorusskogo jazyka: v 3 t. – SPb., 1997.
9. Epishin V. Zabytyj syn mordvy // Mordovija. –1992 g. – 1 maja.
10. Ivashkin V.S. Znat' i pomnit' // Na perekrestke mnenij. – Saransk, 1990.
11. Lenin V.I. Poln. sobr. soch. – M., 1975. – T. 45.
12. Marks K. Sochinenija. – 2-oe izdanie. – T. 32.
13. Prokuratura Respubliki Mordovija na strazhe zakona. / Sost.: Plehanova V.B., Presnjakova L.I. – Saransk, 2011.
14. Putin V.V. Rossija na rubezhe tysjacheletij // Moe Otechestvo. – 2000. – # 1.
15. Repressii 1930-h godov v Mordovii i ih posledstvija // Materialy respublikanskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 27 maja 1998 g. v Saranske. – 2004.
16. Rjabova – Vasil'eva L. «Lemsna i tevsna-Sedisonk // Mokshen' pravda. – 1999. – 5 oktjabrja.
17. Sibirjak I.S. Ja ni v chem ne vinoven // Sovetskaja Mordovija. – 1991. – 4 dekabrja.
18. Smolev V.I. Aktual'nost' patrioticheskogo vospitanija // Pravo i Bezopasnost'. – 2012. – # 1.
19. Tjazin E.N. Pervyj Predsedatel' Mordovskogo okruzhnogo suda T.V. Vasil'ev // Pravosudie v Respublike Mordovija. – 2010. – # 2.
20. Tjazin E.N. Sozdanie organov gosbezopasnosti na territorii Mordovskoj ASSR i ih razvitie v 1934–1941 godah // Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. – Saransk. – 7–8 dekabrja 2006.
21. Finno-ugorskij martirolog zhertv politicheskih repressij. – Saransk. 2006.

Zhdanov I.N.
Coregulatory model of the Bar of Finland
The article deals with the modern model of the Bar of the Republic of Finland on the basis of the analysis of the Finnish Advocates Act, statistics and studies of Finnish Lawyers, the author defines its features, advantages and disadvantages.
Keywords: advocacy, the Bar of Finland, the legal status of the Finnish аdvocate.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bondarev E.M. Analiz pravil nadlezhashhego professional'nogo povedenija dlja advokatov Finljandii dlja razrabotki edinyh standartov rossijskoj advokatury // «Chernye dyry» v Rossijskom zakonodatel'stve. – 2009. – # 4.
2. Hallberg P., Jajmja M. Osnovy pravovoj zashhity v Finljandii / Per. s fin. T. Kajvola. – Hel'sinki: Sitra, 2002.

Vorontsova I.V.
About participation of foreign lawyers in legal proceedings on civil cases
The article is devoted to the problems of foreign lawyers’ legal aid in the civil procedure in common law courts.
Keywords: a representative, a foreign lawyer, foreign citizens, a register of foreign lawyers.
Work bibliographic list
1. Al' Faki Gamil' Hizam Jah'ja. Diplomaticheskie i konsul'skie mery po zashhite prav grazhdan za rubezhom:dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2001.
2. Vasil'chikova N.A. Pravo inostrannyh grazhdan v grazhdanskom sudoproizvodstve: Avtoref. dis. kand.jurid. nauk. – SPb., 1997.
3. Vasil'chikova N.A. Proizvodstvo po delam s uchastiem inostrannyh lic v rossijskih sudah: teorija i praktika: dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – Sankt-Peterburg, 2003.
4. Voroncova I.V. Problemy rassmotrenija grazhdanskih del s uchastiem inostrannyh lic. – Joshkar-Ola, 2010.
5. Zrelov A.P. Pravovoe regulirovanie advokatskoj dejatel'nosti v Socialisticheskoj Respublike V'etnam // Advokat. – 2007. – # 10.
6. Kol'cov A.A. Predstavitel'stvo inostrannyh lic v arbitrazhnom processe // Pravo i jekonomika. –2006. – # 11.
7. Kol'cov A.A. Uchastie inostrannyh lic v rossijskom arbitrazhnom processe: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Saratov, 2004.
8. Muranov A.I. Rossijskoe regulirovanie otnoshenij s inostrannymi jelementami: nekotorye aspekty pravovogo statusa i dejatel'nosti inostrannyh advokatov. – M., 2006.
9. Nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu ot 31 maja 2002 g. # 63-FZ «Ob advokatskoj dejatel'nosti i advokature v Rossijskoj Federacii» (postatejnyj) / Pod red. A.G. Kuchereny. – M., 2009.
10. Nerdrum G. Ob advokatah i advokatskoj dejatel'nosti v Norvegii // Vestnik Federal'noj palaty advokatov RF. – 2008. – # 1.
11. Osokina G.L. Grazhdanskij process // Obshhaja chast'. – M., 2003.
12. Pozdneeva T. Skoro vse stanem advokatami? // Novoe zakonodatel'stvo. – 2009. – # 1.
13. Sineokij O.V. Advokatura kak institut pravovoj pomoshhi i zashhity. – Har'kov, 2008.
14. Fedorov I.V. Grazhdanskoe i arbitrazhnoe sudoproizvodstvo kak predmet sovmestnogo mezhdunarodnopravovogo i vnutrigosudarstvennogo regulirovanija: Avtoref. dis. kand. jurid. nauk. – Kazan', 2002.
15. Hvan L.B. Nekotorye voprosy regulirovanija advokatskoj praktiki: sravnitel'no-pravovoj analiz zakonodatel'stva stran SNG (na materialah Armenii, Azerbajdzhana, Kyrgyzstana, Tadzhikistana i Uzbekistana) // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2001. – # 3.

Zavgorodny A.V.
Agreement of the parties or own desire of the worker: councils to the lawyer
In article on the basis of the analysis of scientific works and materials of law-enforcement practice problem questions of the termination of the employment contract are considered.
Keywords: employment contract, termination of the employment contract, agreement of the parties, termination of the employment contract at own will.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alekseev S.S. Mehanizm pravovogo regulirovanija v socialisticheskom gosudarstve. – M., 1966.
2. Andreeva L.A., Gusov K.N., Medvedev O.M. Nezakonnoe uvol'nenie. – M., 2009.
3. Bezina A.K. Voprosy teorii trudovogo prava i sudebnaja praktika. – Kazan', 1976.
4. Bezina A.K. Samoregulirovanie rabotnikom trudovyh prav i ih samozashhita po Trudovomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii // Uchenye zapiski Kazanskogo universiteta (Juridicheskie nauki). – Kazan', 2003. – T. 144.
35 Orlovskij Ju.P., Nurtdinova A.F., Chikanova L.A. «502 aktual'nyh voprosa po Trudovomu kodeksu RF». – M., 2010. – S. 154.
5. Bojkova O.S., Filippova M.V. Novaja sudebnaja praktika po trudovomu zakonodatel'stvu s kommentarijami. – M., 2008.
6. Vojlenko E.I., Gejhman V.L., Krapivin O.M. Trudovye prava prepodavatelej vysshih i srednih special'nyh uchebnyh zavedenij. – M., 1974.
7. Dogadov V.M. Pravo uhoda s raboty po sobstvennomu zhelaniju // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1957 –# 6.
8. Ershov V.V., Ershova E.A. Trudovoj dogovor. – M.,2000.
9. Ershova E.A. Trudovoe pravo v Rossii. – M., 2007.
10. Kiselev I.Ja. Sravnitel'noe i mezhdunarodnoe trudovoe pravo. – M., 1999.
11. Kiselev I.Ja. Sravnitel'noe trudovoe pravo. – M.,2005.
12. Korobchenko V.V., Safonov V.A. Prava i svobody sub"ektov trudovyh otnoshenij // Rossijskij ezhegodnik trudovogo prava. – 2009. – # 5.
13. Nurtdinova A.F. Nastol'naja kniga sud'i po tru-
dovym sporam / Pod red. S.P. Mavrina. – M., 2011.
14. Orlovskij Ju.P., Nurtdinova A.F., Chikanova L.A. «502 aktual'nyh voprosa po Trudovomu kodeksu RF». – M., 2010.
15. Procevskij A.I. Metod pravovogo regulirovanija trudovyh otnoshenij. – M., 1972.
16. Stavceva A.I., Hohrjakova O.S. Trudovoj dogovor. – M., 1986.
17. Chikanova L.A. Kommentarij k trudovomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii / Pod red. Ju.P. Orlovskogo. –M., 2006.
18. Chikanova L.A. Rastorzhenie trudovogo dogovora po iniciative rabotnika (po sobstvennomu zhelaniju) // Spravochnik kadrovika. – 2008. – # 10.

Tugel A.K., Akhpanov A.N., Pen S.G., Tukiyev A.S.
Improving the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the right of defense and the advocacy at the present time
In this paper presented the main proposals for improving the legal regulation of the professional rights of advocates, ensuring the realization of the constitutional right to be protected from prosecution.
Keywords: advocacy, the right to defense, the Kazakh advocacy profession.
Work bibliographic list
1. Karjakin E.A. Realizacija principa sostjazatel'nosti v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve (voprosy teorii i praktiki): monografija. – Orenburg: GOU OGU, 2005.
2. Ragulin A.V. Pravo trebovat' zapreshhenija vyzova advokata na dopros i proizvodstva ego doprosa v kachestve svidetelja: problemy reglamentacii i prakticheskoj realizacii // Vestnik advokatskoj palaty Respubliki Bashkortostan. – 2012. # 1 (28).
3. Ragulin A.V. Problemy reglamentacii i prakticheskoj realizacii prava advokata-zashhitnika na zapros svedenij, neobhodimyh dlja okazanija juridicheskoj pomoshhi // Obrazovanie i pravo. – 2012. # 9 (37).
4. Ragulin A.V. Pravovaja reglamentacija vzaimodejstvija advokata-zashhitnika i chastnogo detektiva nuzhdaetsja v sovershenstvovanii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2010. – # 6 (25)

Ragulin A.V.
Regulation of the rights of advocate-defender on poll of persons and representation of subjects and documents
In article topical issues of a regulation and realization of the major activity professional rights of the lawyer defender are considered.
Keywords: advocate-defender, rights of advocate-defender, poll of persons, representation of subjects and documents.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kronov E.V. Opros zashhitnikom-advokatom lic s ih soglasija: sushhnost', znachenie, mehanizm proizvodstva // Advokatskaja praktika. – 2008. – # 3.
2. Karjakin E. Dopustimost' dokazatel'stv, sobrannyh zashhitnikom, i osushhestvlenie funkcii zashhity v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Rossijskaja justicija. –2003. – # 6.
3. Os'makov M.A. O nekotoryh problemah advokatskogo rassledovanija // Rossijskij sledovatel'. – 2007. – # 9.
4. Parshutkin V.V. Opros advokatom lic s ih soglasija // Vozmozhnosti zashhity v ramkah novogo UPK Rossii. – M., 2003.
5. Sbornik normativnyh aktov i dokumentov / Pod obshh. red. E.V. Semenjako, Ju.S. Pilipenko. – M.: Inform-Pravo, 2010.
6. Shejfer S.A. Sledstvennye dejstvija. Osnovanija, processual'nyj porjadok i dokazatel'stvennoe znachenie. – M.: Jurlitinform, 2004.

Kiselyov P.P.
Standard and legal bases of advocate criminal investigation
In article on the basis of the analysis of standard materials and scientific works standard and legal basics of advocate`s criminal investigation are covered.
Keywords: advocate, rights of the advocate, advocate`s criminal investigation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Baranov D.P., Smolenskij M.B. Advokatskoe pravo (advokatskaja dejatel'nost' i advokatura v Rossii):uchebnik. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Akademcentr;Izdatel'sko-torgovaja korporacija «Dashkov i K°».
2. Vlasov A.A. Sudebnaja advokatura: ucheb. Posobie dlja magistrov / A.A. Vlasov; Pod obshhej red. G.B. Mirzoeva. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Izdatel'stvo Jurajt, 2012. – Serija: Magistr.
3. Kozlova E.I., Kutafin O.E. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: uchebnik. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.:Jurist", 2000.
4. Kolokolov N.A. Parallel'noe advokatskoe rassledovanie // JeZh-JuRIST. – 2005. – # 21.
5. Lazarev V.V. Obshhaja teorija prava i gosudarstva:uchebnik / Pod red. V.V. Lazareva. – 3-e izd., pererab. I dop. – M.: Jurist", 2001.
6. Mandzhiev T.B. Pravo kak vseobshhaja forma bytija ideal'nogo v obshhestve // Pravovedenie. – 1997. – # 3.
7. Martynchik E.G. Advokatskoe rassledovanie v ugolovnom processe. Teoretiko-metodologicheskie osnovy doktriny advokatskogo rassledovanija: ucheb. posobie / E.G. Martynchik. – M.: JuNITI-DANA; Zakon i pravo. –2009.
8. Martynchik E.G. Advokatskoe rassledovanie: ponjatie, priroda, osobennosti i sushhnost' (k razrabotke modeli) // Advokatskaja praktika. – 2004. – # 1.
9. Martynchik E.G. Advokatskoe rassledovanie: ponjatie, priroda, osobennosti i sushhnost' // Advokatskaja praktika. – 2005. – # 1.
10. Martynchik E.G. Pravovye osnovy advokatskogo rassledovanija: sostojanie i perspektivy (k razrabotke koncepcii i modeli) // Advokatskaja praktika. – 2003. –# 6.
11. Martyshin O.V. Nravstvennye osnovy teorii gosudarstva i prava // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2005. – # 7.
12. Martyshin O.V. Sovmestimy li osnovnye tipy ponimanija prava? // Gosudarstvo i pravo. – 2003. – # 6.
13. Marchenko M.N. Istochniki prava: ucheb. posobie. –M.: TK Velbi, Izd-vo Prospekt, 2008.
14. Marchenko M.N. Problemy teorii gosudarstva i prava: uchebnoe posobie / Pod red. M.N. Marchenko. – M.:Jurist', 2001.
15. Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe pravo. Sbornik dokumentov / Sost. i avt. predisl. K.A. Bekjashev, D.K. Bekjashev. – M.: Prospekt, 2009.
16. Nersesjanc V.S. Tol'ko ogranichennyj chelovek mozhet svodit' smysl prava k formalizmu // Juridicheskij mir. – # 6; Izdatel'stvo: Jurid. mir VK /Interv'ju/. – Moskva. – 2000.
17. Nersesjanc V.S. Prava cheloveka v istorii politicheskoj i pravovoj mysli (ot drevnosti do Deklaracii 1978 g.) // Prava cheloveka v istorii chelovechestva i v sovremennom mire. – M., 1989.
18. Nersesjanc V.S. Filosofija prava: uchebnik dlja vuzov / Nersesjanc V.S. – M.: Norma, 1997.
19. Os'makov M.A. Advokatskoe rassledovanie v sovremennom ugolovnom processe: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk –Vladimir, 2007.
20. Povarnin S.I. Iskusstvo spora. – Serija: Mir vokrug nas. Izdatel'stvo: Terra-Knizhnyj klub, Severo-Zapad, 2009.
21. Prava cheloveka: uchebnik dlja vuzov / Otv. red. E.A. Lukasheva. – M., 1999.
22. Ragulin A.V. O prave advokata na sobiranie predmetov i dokumentov, sluzhashhih osnovoj dlja formirovanija dokazatel'stv v ugolovnom processe // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2010. – # 5 (24).
23. Rassolov M.M. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik dlja vuzov / Pod red. M.M. Rassolova, V.O. Luchina, B.S. Jebzeeva. – M.: JuNITI-DANA, Zakon i pravo, 2000.
24. Ryzhakov A.P. Ugolovnyj process: uchebnik dlja vuzov. – M, 2002.
25. Samigullin V.K. O ponjatii prava // Pravovaja politika i pravovaja zhizn'. – 2002. – # 1.
26. Cybulevskaja O.I. Nravstvennye osnovanija sovremennogo rossijskogo prava. – Saratov, 2004.

Sultanov A.R.
The appropriate process of law and legal standards of the European Court on human rights
In article actual aspects of implementation of the appropriate process of law in the light of standards of the European Court on human rights are considered.
Keywords: appropriate process of law, European Court on human rights, European legal standards.
Work bibliographic list
1. Afanas'ev S.F. Pravo na spravedlivoe sudebnoe razbiratel'stvo i ego realizacija v rossijskom grazhdanskom sudoproizvodstve. – M., 2009.
2. Voroncova I.V. Sudebnaja praktika i mezhdunarodnye dogovory kak istochniki grazhdanskogo processual'nogo prava. – Joshkar-Ola, 2011.
3. Ivashin A.B. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye i konstitucionno-pravovye osnovy sovershenstvovanija administrativnogo vydvorenija inostrannyh grazhdan i lic bez grazhdanstva // Migracionnoe pravo. – 2009. – # 2.
4. Kovler A.I. Evropejskoe pravo prav cheloveka i Konstitucija Rossii // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. –2004. – # 1.
5. Kozochkin I.D. Princip zakonnosti v sovremennom amerikanskom ugolovnom prave // Pravovedenie. –2005. – # 6.
6. Smol'janov M.S. Juridicheskaja procedura kak garantija prav cheloveka: Avtoref. dis. kand. jurid. nauk.– Moskva, 2011.
7. Solov'eva T.V. Postanovlenija Verhovnogo suda RF, Konstitucionnogo suda RF i Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka v sfere grazhdanskogo sudoproizvodstva i porjadok realizacii. – M., 2011.
8. Sultanov A.R. Formalizm grazhdanskogo processa i standarty spravedlivogo pravosudija // Vestnik grazhdanskogo processa. – 2012. – # 3.
9. Sultanov A.R. Ob ispolnenii postanovlenij Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka kak sredstve realizacii konstitucionnyh cennostej // Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe i chastnoe pravo. – 2008. – # 4.
10. Sherstoboev O.N. Pravo grazhdan na semejnoe blagopoluchie kak osnovanie, smjagchajushhee administrativnuju otvetstvennost' pri narushenii immigracionnyh pravil // Rossijskaja justicija. – 2007. – # 11.
11. Sherstoboev O.N. Princip proporcional'nosti kak neobhodimoe uslovie vysylki inostrannyh grazhdan za predely gosudarstva ih prebyvanija: predely pravoogranichenija // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2011. – # 6.
12. Juridicheskaja processual'naja forma. Teorija i praktika./ Pod. red. P.E. Nedbajlo i V.M. Gorsheneva. M., 1976.

Ryabtseva E.V.
Abuse of the right to submission of the complaint in the European court on human rights
The European court on human rights starts with lack of need of allocation of the concept of abuse in separate legal spheres from the general concept of abuse. The European right can’t deprive of the state of possibility to solve, whether it is necessary to counteract abuses, and if yes, that how. Respectively, each member state of the European union should keep methods of fight against abuse, and the European right should establish only, whether they are compatible to primary and secondary right of the European Union. In work circumstances of unacceptability of the complaint in connection with abuse of the right are investigated, the conclusion about possible use of these circumstances in law-enforcement and jurisprudence of Russia is drawn.
Keywords: Abuse of the right, abuse of the law, unacceptability of the complaint, court misinformation, confidentiality of the settlement agreement.
Work bibliographic list
1. Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo po kriterijam priemlemosti zhaloby v Evropejskij sud po pravam cheloveka. – Strasburg, 2011.

Kharchenko V.B.
Criminal law to protect the rights of intellectual property: issues of legislative definition and law enforcement practice
On the basis of analysis of the Russian and Ukrainian legislations the issues of criminal law protection of rights to the results of creative activity (intellectual property rights) are studied; the inadmissibility of the currently existing enforcement practice of the relevant rules of criminal law by analogy is argued.
Keywords: criminal law protection; results of creative activity; application of the law by analogy.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bazhanov M.I. K voprosu o preemstvennosti v ugolovnom prave // Problemy zakonnosti. Respublikanskij mezhvedomstvennyj nauchnyj sbornik. – H., 1995. –Vyp. 30.
2. Dal' V.I. Tolkovyj slovar' russkogo jazyka: sovremen. versija / V.I. Dal' – M.: JeKSMO-Press, 2000.
3. Zhdanov Ju.N. Evropejskoe ugolovnoe pravo: perspektivy razvitija / Ju.N. Zhdanov, E.S. Lagovskaja. – M.:Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 2001.
4. Zagorodnikov N.I. Sovetskoe ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti: uchebnik / N.I. Zagorodnikov. – M.: Jurid. lit., 1975.
5. Kovalenko A.A. Ugolovno-pravovaja ohrana avtorskih i smezhnyh prav: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2001.
6. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii / H.M. Ahmetshin, A.E. Beljaev, G.N. Borzenkov, B.V. Volzhenkin [i dr.]; Otv. red. V.I. Radchenko;Nauch. red. A.S. Mihlin. – M.: Spark, 2001.
7. Korzhans'kij M.J. Kvalіfіkacіja zlochinіv /M.J. Korzhans'kij. – K.: Jurіnkom Іnter, 1998.
8. Koshhegulov B.B. Ugolovno-pravovaja harakteristika narushenija avtorskih i smezhnyh prav: Avtoref. dis.kand. jurid. nauk. – Karagnada, 2009.
9. Krimіnal'ne pravo Ukraїni. Osobliva chastina:pіdruch. dlja stud. vishh. navch. zakl. / G.M. Anіsіmov, Ju.V. Baulіn, V.І. Borisov [ta іn.]; Za red. V.V. Stashisa, V.Ja. Tacіja;Nac. jurid. akad. Ukraїni іm. Ja. Mudrogo. – 4-te vid., pererob. і dopov. – H.: Pravo, 2010.
10. Lihova S.Ja. Zlochini u sferі realіzacії gromadjans'kih, polіtichnih ta socіal'nih prav і svobod ljudini і gromadjanina: (rozdіl V Osoblivoї chastini KK Ukraїni) /S.Ja. Lihova; Kiїv. nac. un-t іm. T. Shevchenka. – K., 2006.
11. Navroc'kij V.O. Nastupnіst' krimіnal'nogo zakonodavstva Ukraїni (porіvnjal'nij analіz KK Ukraїni 1960 r. ta 2001 r.). – K.: Atіka, 2001.
12. Naukovo-praktichnij komentar do Krimіnal'nogo kodeksu Ukraїni: za stanom zakonodavstva і postanov Plenumu Verhovnogo sudu Ukraїni na 1 grud. 2001 r. /Ju.V. Aleksandrov, P.P. Andrushko, V.І. Antipov [ta іn.];Vіdp. red. S.S. Jacenko. – K.: A.S.K., 2002.
13. Naukovo-praktichnij komentar Krimіnal'nogo kodeksu Ukraїni / A.M. Bojko, L.P. Brich, V.K. Grishhuk [ta іn.]; Za red. M.І. Mel'nika, M.І. Havronjuka – 6-te vid., pererob. ta dop. – K.: Jurid. dumka, 2009.
14. Nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii. / A.L. Agafonov, B.H. Balkarov, Ju.A. Gladyshev, Ju.V. Golovlev [i dr.]; Pod red.: P.N. Panchenko. – Nizhnij Novgorod: Nomos, 1996. – T. 1.
15. Slovar' po ugolovnomu pravu / G.N. Borzenkov, A.Je. Zhalinskij, B.V. Zdravomyslov, A.S. Mihlin [i dr.]; Otv. red.: A.V. Naumov. – M.: BEK, 1997.
16. Sovetskoe ugolovnoe pravo. Obshhaja i Osobennaja chasti: uchebnik / V.Ju. Kirichenko, M.I. Jakubovich; Pod red.: V. D. Men'shagina. – M.: Gosjurizdat, 1958.
17. Tacij V.Ja. Ob"ekt i predmet prestuplenija po sovetskomu ugolovnomu pravu: ucheb. posobie. / V.Ja. Tacij. – H.: Jurid. in-t, 1982. 20.
18. Ugolovnyj kodeks Ispanii / Pod red. i s pred- isl.: N.F. Kuznecovoj, F.M. Reshetnikova; Per.:V.P. Zyrjanovoj, L.G. Shnajder. – M.: Zercalo, 1998.
19. Uranskij F.R. K voprosu o ponjatii i vidah probelov v prave // Vestnik Moskovskogo un-ta. – M.: Mosk. un-t, 2005. – # 5.
20. Havronjuk M.І. Dovіdnik z Osoblivoї chastini Krimіnal'nogo kodeksu Ukraїni / M.І. Havronjuk. – K.: Іstina, 2004.
21. Harchenko V.B. Zahist prav іntelektual'noї vlasnostі u novomu Krimіnal'nomu kodeksі Ukraїni /V.B. Harchenko // Pravo Ukraїni. – 1995. – # 2.
22. Harchenko V.B. Ugolovno-pravovaja ohrana avtorskogo prava i smezhnyh prav: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. –H., 1996.

Konin V.V.
Audit of the criminal procedure code of the russian federation on the example of revival of institute of return of criminal cases for additional investigation
Changes in the criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation, 2001, adopted in the last few years, allow to conclude that the Institute of returning criminal cases for further investigation, not found their place in the criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation at the moment of its adoption, in fact revived. At the present time in the criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation there are no barriers to the production of a fullfledged additional investigation on returned by the court the criminal case with any stage of the trial.
Keywords: RF code of criminal procedure, the additional investigation, the return of the criminal case to the Prosecutor, the legal position of the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Aleksandrov A.S. Interpretacija i pravo // Konstitucionno-pravovye problemy ugolovnogo prava i processa. Sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii. – SPb., 2010.
2. Bahta A.S. Jeffektivnost' pravovogo instituta vozvrashhenija ugolovnogo dela prokuroru: proverka praktikoj i vremenem // «Istorija gosudarstva i prava». – 2010. – # 14.
3. Kozjavin A.A. Teorija i praktika otpravlenija pravosudija po ugolovnym delam i ih aksiologicheskoe protivorechie // «Mirovoj sud'ja». – 2011. – # 9.
4. Kruglikov A.P. Vozvrashhenie ugolovnogo dela dlja dopolnitel'nogo rassledovanija rukovoditelem sledstvennogo organa ili prokurorom // «Rossijskaja justicija». – 2009. – # 2.
5. Ragulin A.V. Nekotorye aspekty primenenija st. 237 UPK RF i fenomen latentnogo opravdatel'nogo prigovora v rossijskoj sudebnoj praktike // Pravo i gosudarstvo: sovremennoe sostojanie i puti sovershenstvovanija: sbornik nauchnyh trudov. – Lipeck: LGPU, 2009.
6. Savel'ev K.A. Reforma processual'nogo porjadka peresmotra prigovorov ogranichivaet prava uchastnikov ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva // «Ugolovnoe sudoproizvodstvo». – 2011. – # 3.
7. Smirnov A.V. Sostjazatel'nye i inkvizicionnye jelementy v sovremennom ugolovnom processe postsovetskih gosudarstv Sredneaziatskogo regiona (Kazahstan, Kirgizija, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan) // «Ugolovnoe sudoproizvodstvo». – 2012. – # 1.
8. Trisheva A.A. Institut sledstvennyh sudej – neobhodimoe uslovie sostjazatel'nogo sudoproizvodstva // «Zakonnost'». – 2009. – # 7.

Vinnikov A.V.
About world regularities of police and judicial transfer
In article the analysis of institutes of judicial and police translators is provided in the USA, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, France, Spain and Germany, is characterized criminal lingvosphere and its regularities are defined.
Keywords: judicial transfer, police transfer, criminal lingvosphere.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vinnikov A.V. O privlechenii perevodchikov v sudebnyj process // Sud'ja. – 2012. –# 6.
2. Vinnikov A.V. Prakticheskie aspekty uchastija perevodchika v ugolovnom processe // Ugolovnyj process. – 2012. – # 1.
3. Vinnikov A.V. Problematika i praktika sudebnogo perevoda cyganskogo jazyka po ugolovnym delam o nezakonnom oborote narkotikov // Narkokontrol'. – 2012. – # 1.
4. Vinnikov A.V. Sudebnyj perevod i sudebno-perevodcheskie organizacii // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2012. – # 2.
5. Vinnikov A.V. Jazyki jetnicheskih kriminal'nyh grupp (cyganskie, kavkazskie i pr.) v ugolovnoj praktike FSKN Rossii. Problema kompetentnosti perevodchikov. // Vestnik Sibirskogo juridicheskogo instituta FSKN Rossii. – 2012. – # 1 (10).

Kuznetsov V.N.
About interpretation by the highest judicial authorities of article 333 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation and inconsistent jurisprudence of arbitration courts and courts of law on its application
The article deals with the analysis of problems of different interpretation by the supreme judicial bodies of Russia of Article 333 of the Civil Code of the RF, which resulted in conflicting judicial and arbitration practices in the country.
Keywords: legal penalty, reduced penalty, penalty disparity criterion, uniform enforcement.
Work bibliographic list
1. Grishin D.A. Neustojka: teorija, praktika, zakonodatel'stvo. – M.: Statut, 2005.
2. Objazatel'stva i sposoby ih obespechenija: neustojka, zalog, poruchitel'stvo, bankovskaja garantija //Kommentarii k novomu GK RF / Braginskij M.I. – M.:Izd-vo Centra delovoj inform. ezhenedel'nika «Jekonomika i zhizn'», 1995.

Studentsov A.V.
Inflationary losses. Аrbitration component of investment risks in Belarus
In article the problem of compensation of inflationary losses is considered at non-execution or inadequate performance of obligations.
Keywords: performance of obligations, inflationary losses, responsibility for non-execution of obligations.
Work bibliographic list
1. Rajzberg B.A. Kurs jekonomiki / Pod red. B.A. Rajzberga. – INFRA-M., 1997.

Koptieva E.A.
International obligations classification
The paper analyzes the doctrinal approaches to the international obligations classification. Particular attention is paid to the erga omnes obligations, as well as their place within the system of the international obligations.
Keywords: international obligations, erga omnes, international responsibility of the States, International Court of Justice.
Work bibliographic list
1. Fitzmaurice M., Elias O.A., Elias Olufemi. Contemporary Issues in the Law of Treaties / M. Fitzmaurice, O.A. Elias, Olufemi Elias. – Eleven International Publishing, 2005.
2. Iwasawa Y. The Diveristy of International Obligations. – Audiovisual Library of International Law. – New York, 2010.
3. Sicilianos L.-A. The Classification of Obligations and the Multilateral Dimension of the Relations of International Responsibility. – EJIL. – 2002. – Vol. 13. – # 5.
4. Tams Ch. Enforcing Obligations Erga Omnes in International Law. – CambridgeUniversity Press. – 2005

Garaev I.G.
Appraising taxpayers’ honesty during the process of splitting the business up
The article is devoted to the question of appraising taxpayers’ honesty when splitting the business up. Special attention is accentuated on how arbitration court sums up the relevancy of getting tax benefits by a taxpayer during the process of breaking the business up.
Keywords: tax duty, taxpayer, tax benefit, breaking the business up, arbitration courts.
Work bibliographic list
1. Zav'jalova T.V. Nalogovaja vygoda – ponjatie i praktika ee primenenija arbitrazhnymi sudami // Arbitrazhnye spory. – 2010. – # 3.
2. Fedorcova R.P. Kriterii obosnovanija nalogovoj vygody // Nalogi. – 2010. – # 6.

Sineokyj O.V.
The history of license records: from unique samples of counterfeit pop music to the new legal landmark of recordings
In the article «white spots» in history of Soviet official pop music recording. The conditions and the form of licensing records in the USSR. Core samples are analyzed phonographic products issued from 1973 to 1993. Particular attention is paid to the problem against the «pirate» records in modern conditions. The ultimate goal is designated as the construction of an integrated development model of rare sound records interaction in the new communications reality in which intertwined the various levels of scientific knowledge, where a central place given to the institution of media-lawyers.
Keywords: Recording, Shellac, Rock Music, Series, Archive.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kondrin A. Na puti k civilizovannomu rynku /
A. Kondrin // Melodija. – 1998. – # 3.
2. Kondrin A. Eshhe raz o muzykal'nom piratstve /A. Kondrin // Melodija. – 2001. – # 6.
3. Lipcik D. Avtorskoe pravo i smezhnye prava =Droit d’auteur et droit voisins. / D. Lipcik; Per s fr.;predisl. M. Fedorova. – M.: Ladomir, Izd-vo JuNESKO, 2002.
4. Makovskij A.L. O kodifikacii zakonodatel'stva ob intellektual'noj sobstvennosti // Zakon. – 2007. –#10.
5. Sudarikov S.A. Osnovy avtorskogo prava – Mn.:Amalfeja, 2000.
6. Troickij A.K. Stat'ja «Butleg» / A.K. Troickij //Pop-leksikon – M.: ASK interprint, 1990.
7. Uhov D. Ch'ja jeto muzyka? // Ezhenedel'nyj zhurnal. – 2003. – # 56.
8. Shishka R.B. Investicionnoe pravo Ukrainy:uchebnoe posobie – Izd. 2-e dop. i ispr. – H.: Jespada, 2003.
9. Stallman R. Free as in Freedom: Richard Stallman’s Crusade for Free Software / R. Stallman. – O’Reilly Media, 2002

Hayrullin F.R.
Legal regulation of the legal relationship arising concerning difficult object
In article the general questions of legal regulation of the civil relations arising concerning difficult object are considered.
Keywords: civil law, difficult object, legal regulation.
Work bibliographic list
1. Kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii (postatejnyj). Chast' chetvertaja /Je.P. Gavrilov, O.A. Gorodov, S.P. Grishaev [i dr.]. –M.: TK Velbi, Izd-vo Prospekt, 2007.
2. Borisenko D.A. Audiovizual'noe proizvedenie i avtorskoe pravo // «JeZh-Jurist». – 2011. – # 29.
3. Svit Ju.P. Pravovoe regulirovanie ispol'zovanija rezul'tatov intellektual'noj dejatel'nosti v sostave edinoj tehnologii // «Grazhdanin i pravo». –2008. – # 7.

Mazur E.A.
Legal regime of the Internet site as difficult object by the legislation of the Russian Federation
In this article the concept of the Internet-site as an object of copyright and as a complex object. Purpose of work of the open and specify the essence of the Internet-site. Analyzed definition of the concept of the Internetsite in the works of Russian scholars and in judicial practice. Identified shortcomings in the legal regulation of the issue.
Keywords: Internet-site, a complex object, the results of intellectual activity.
Work bibliographic list
1. Babarykin P.V. Grazhdansko-pravovoe regulirovanie sozdanija i ispol'zovanija sajtov seti Internet:dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – SPb., 2005.
2. Basmanova E.S. Internet-sajt kak ob"ekt imushhestvennyh prav: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2010.
3. Gulak A.S. Mesto sajta seti Internet v sisteme ob"ektov grazhdanskih pravootnoshenij // Vestnik udmurtskogo universiteta. – 2006. – # 6.
4. Kaljatina V.O. Pravo v sfere Interneta. – M., 2004.
5. Kopceva O.V. Gde @ porylas'?! Zashhita prav (C) v Internete. – M., 2009.
6. Ruzakova O.A., Dmitriev S.V. Avtorskie i smezhnye prava v Internete // Zakonodatel'stvo. – 2001. – # 9.
7. Sergo A.G. // JeZh-Jurist. – 2004. – # 1.
8. Smirnov R.S. Domennoe imja kak ob"ekt grazhdanskih prav: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2011.
9. Sokolova G. Nuzhno li registrirovat' internet- sajt? // Arsenal predprinimatelja. – 2010. – # 3.
10. Suhanov E.A. Rossijskoe grazhdanskoe pravo: uchebnik: V 2 t. T I: Obshhaja chast'. – M., 2011.

Voronov A.A.
System approach to legal profession research and sciences about legal profession
In article the question of application of a system method (the theory of systems) to legal profession and science research about legal profession is considered.
Keywords: legal profession, system of knowledge, system approach.
Work bibliographic list
1. Vorob'ev A.V., Poljakov A.V., Tihonravov Ju.V. Teorija advokatury. – M.: Izd-vo «Grant"», 2002.
2. Dissertacionnye issledovanija problem advokatury i advokatskoj dejatel'nosti: sbornik materialov /sost. Ragulin A.V., Shajhullin M.S., Petrov D.V. – M.:Jurlitinform, 2012.
3. Kolokolov N.A., Pavlikov S.G. Teorija sudebnyh sistem: osobennosti konstitucionnogo regulirovanija, sudebnogo stroitel'stva i organizacii sudebnoj dejatel'nosti v federativnom gosudarstve. – M.: Izdatel'stvo «Jurlitinform», 2007.
4. Kucherena A.G. Advokatura: uchebnik. – 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. – M.: Jurist", 2006.
5. Mel'nichenko R.G. Advokaturu vycherknuli iz nauki // Advokat. – 2009. – # 6.
6. Ragulin A.V. Advokatologija i uchenie o professional'noj zashhite po ugolovnym delam v rossijskoj juridicheskoj nauke: monografija; Vostochnaja jekonomiko-juridicheskaja gumanitarnaja akademija (Akademija VJeGU). – Ufa, 2009.
7. Ragulin A.V. K voprosu o meste advokatologii i uchenija o professional'noj zashhite po ugolovnym delam v sisteme juridicheskih nauk // Vestnik VJeGU: Nauchnyj zhurnal. – 2008. – # 5 (37).
8. Ragulin A.V. Rossii nuzhna nauka ob advokature! // Uchenye trudy rossijskoj akademii advokatury i notariata. – 2009. – # 2 (13).
9. Fel'dman D.I., Kurdjukov G.I., Lihachev V.N. O sistemnom podhode v nauke mezhdunarodnogo prava / D.I. Fel'dman, G.I. Kurdjukov, V.N. Lihachev // Pravovedenie. – 1980. – # 6.
10. Bertalanffy L. von, Hempel C.G., Jonas R.E.H. General System Theory: A New Approach to Unity of Science //Human Biology. – Vol. 23. – 1951.

Treskov V.I.
What is the difference between Russian and Oxford education
The problems of russian education is given in the article on the basis of the analysis of the new legislation.
Keywords: the legislation of the education, quality, rating.
Work bibliographic list
1. Degtjarev A.N. Preemstvennost' i perspektivy // Strategija Rossii. – 2012. – # 10.
2. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii // IV Mezhdunarodnaja nauchno-prakticheskaja konferencija «Kutafinskie chtenija» / Sbornik tezisov. – M., 2012.

Ayupova Z.K., Kussainov D.U.
Legal policy as the instrument of the modernization of the legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan
In this article the peculiarities of the realization of the Concept of legal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of modernization of the legal system of the country have been researched.
Keywords: law, concept, legal policy, legal system, modernization, legal statehood, legality, law order, democratization, implementation.

Granat M.A.
Some ways of assignment of money and property at operations in the real estate market
In article some schemes applied by unfair participants of the market of real estate are considered, and ways of counteraction are offered violations of the rights of conscientious sellers and buyers of real estate.
Keywords: protection of the rights of participants of the market of real estate, unfair participants of the market of real estate, fraud.
Work bibliographic list
1. Koveshnikov D.A. Administrativno-pravovoe regulirovanie gosudarstvennogo kadastrovogo ucheta nedvizhimosti i gosudarstvennoj registracii prav na nedvizhimoe imushhestvo i sdelok s nim: Avtoref. dis.kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2010.
2. Fasahova L.I. Zashhita prav dol'shhikov i porjadok priznanija prava sobstvennosti na ob"ekty nezavershennogo stroitel'stva v dolevom uchastii v stroitel'stve mnogokvartirnyh domov i inyh ob"ektov nedvizhimosti // Sbornik nauchnyh statej prepodavatelej kafedry prava. – Kazan': Mir bez granic, 2010.

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