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Индексирование журнала

Импакт-фактор российских научных журналов

Basarab Olga Tymofeevna – senior lecturer of chair theory and history of state and law department of National Academy of State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after B.Khmelnitsky, 29003, Ukraine, Khmelnytsky, Shevchenko St., 46.

BATURINA Natalya Aleksandrovna – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of civil process chair of Saratov state legal academy, 410056, Russian Federation, Saratov, Volskaya St., 1.

FEDOROVA Larisa Fedorovna – senior teacher of chair of civil law and process of Svetlograd branch of the Institute of Friendship of peoples of the Caucasus, 356537, Russian Federation, Svetlograd, Мount Kuci St., 12.

FOMENKO Elena Vladimirovna – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of penal law of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Moscow university of Russia, 117437, Russian Federation, Moscow, Academician Volgin St., 12.

ISAEV Pavel Anatolyevich – competitor of Kislovodsk humanitarian and technical institute. Russian Federation, Kislovodsk, Pobedy Avenue, 37а.

KARPOV Eduard Sergeevich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of civil law studies department of Vladimir law institute of the FSIN of Russia, 600020, Russian Federation, Vladimir, Bolshaya Nijegorodskaya St, 67e.

MAKUSHKINA Elena Eduardovna – candidate of juridical sciences, head of department of research of problems of participation of advocate in civil legal proceedings of the center of research of problems of the organization and activity of legal profession of Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law. Russian Federation, 450006, Ufa, Lenin St., 102, office 24.

MARTYNENKO Igor Eduardovich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, the head of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure of Yanka Kupala Grodno State University, 230023, Belarus, Grodno, Ozheshko St., 22.

MINYAZEVA Tatyana Fiodorovna – doctor of juridical sciences, professor of chair of penal law and process of law department of the Russian university of friendship of the people 117198, Russian Federation, Moscow, Miklukho-Maclay St., 6.

RAGULIN Andrey Viktorovich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, advocate, head of the Center of research of problems of organization and activity of legal profession of the Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law. Russian Federation, 450006, Ufa, Lenin St., 102, office 24.

SHULIPA Alexandr Vyacheslavovich – Master of International Law, PhD student at the Legislation Institute of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. 04053, Ukraine, Kyiv, Nestorivskyi prov. 4.

Valshina Irina Ravilevna – post-graduate student of the department of criminal Procedure of Kuban State University, 350055, Russian Federation, Krasnodar, 2nd Znamensky St., 14.

VORONOV Alexander Alekseevich – doctor of juridical sciences, professor, advocate, professor of chair of state and legal disciplines of the Voronezh branch of the Russian new university, 394043, Russian Federation, Voronezh, Lenin St., 73.


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