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Индексирование журнала

Импакт-фактор российских научных журналов

Baldantseren A.
To the question about conflict of interest and discrimination of advocates by the corporate
governance bodies of the russian advocacy
Purpose: To reveal the conflict of interest in the phenomenon of mixing to the degree of identity of the functions of representative and executive bodies of lawyer's corporate governance as a way of discrimination against the professional class – the class of lawyers.
Methodology: Systemic, formal-legal, comparative methods.
Results: The study revealed a way of discrimination against lawyers as a professional class through a potencial conflict of interest in the powers of advocacy's corporate governance bodies.
Novelty/originality/value: The article reveals an urgent problem associated with the need to abolish many provisions of 63-FZ (Federal Law «About advocacy and the legal profession of the Russian Federation»), which make it possible to legally discriminate against lawyers due to a possible conflict of interest in the power's of lawyer's corporate governance bodies.
Keywords: discrimination, conflict of interest, lawyer, advocacy.
References (transliterated)
1.Ragulin A.V. Traktat ob Obrashhenii 32-x, principax, diskriminacii i demokratii v rossijskoj advokature: monografiya / predisl.: G.B. Mirzoev, poslesl.: A.V. Vorob`ev. M.: Rossijskaya akademiya advokatury` i notariata; Evrazijskij nauchno-issledovatel`skij institut problem prava, 2019 (Ssy`lka na e`lektronny`j istochnik:
2.Mirzoev G.B., Ragulin A.V. Pri obsuzhdenii izmenenij v KPE`A nado vy`slushat` vsex advokatov! // Advokatskie vesti Rossii. 2021. № 1–2 (241–242). S. 8–11.
3.Ragulin A.V., Shavin V.A., Mel`nichenko R.G. Popravki Federal`noj palaty` advokatov v Kodeks professional`noj e`tiki advokata: ustranyaya stary`e oshibki, nel`zya sovershat` novy`x! // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2020. № 6 (49). S. 9–18.
4.Ragulin A.V., Mel`nichenko R.G. Popravki Federal`noj palaty` advokatov v Kodeks professional`noj e`tiki advokata 2021 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.Nizovkina N.Yu. Maloizuchenny`e i smeshanny`e for-my` diskriminacii. Lekciya. Irkutsk. 29.09.2020 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: https:
6.Bekarov M.U. «Krasny`e flazhki» dlya advokatov // Advokatskie vesti Rossii. 2021. № 1–2 (241–242). S. 22–24.
7.Mel`nichenko R.G. Put` k total`noj diktature FPA // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2021. № 1 (50). S. 23.
8.Interv`yu Prezidenta FPA Yu.S. Pilipenko dlya «Advokatskoj gazety`» 12.04.2021: Na povestku dnya vy`jdet vopros o nezavisimosti nashej korporacii // Sajt FPA [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: https: //
9.Baldantseren A. Diskriminaciya advokatov (na primere reshenij organov advokatskogo samoupravleniya, prinyaty`x pomimo voli advokatov) // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2021. № 3 (52). S. 33–40.
10.Boryak A. Strim 19.03.2021 o zashhite professional`ny`x prav advokatov Ukrainy` [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: success na ukrainskom yazy`ke.
11.Avanesyan A.V. KPE`A: voprosov bol`she, chem otvetov // Advokatskie vesti Rossii. 2021. № 1–2 (241–242). S. 26–28.
12.Cybikova A.A. Formirovanie mexanizma upravleniya konfliktami interesov na gosudarstvennoj grazhdanskoj sluzhbe: avtoref. dis. … kand. e`kon. nauk. M., 2011.
13.Sajt Ministerstva yusticii E`stonii. Razdel «Konflikt interesov» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
14.Osnovny`e polozheniya o roli yuristov. Prinyaty` Vos`my`m kongressom OON po preduprezhdeniyu prestuplenij v avguste 1990 g. N`yu-Jork, Gavana // Vajpan V.A. Nastol`naya kniga advokata. M.: Yusticinform, 2006. S. 332–337.
Pastukhov M.I.
New amendments to the belarusian law on attorneys: their causes and consequences
Purpose: Show the features of the new amendments to the Law on the Bar in Belarus.
Methodology: In preparing the article, we used formal legal and comparative legal methods.
Results: The article examines the legislation and practice in the field of advocacy, makes proposals for improving the current legislation.
Novelty/originality/value: The proposed article is original in nature and is of value for the lawyers of the Eurasian Economic Union.
Keywords: advocate, advocacy community, advocate self-government, guarantees of the independence of the legal profession.
References (transliterated)
1.Pastuxov M.I. Advokatura v Respublike Belarus`: zakonodatel`stvo i praktika // Evrazijskaya literatura. 2019. № 2. S. 26–29.
2.Pastuxov M.I. Belorusskaya advokatura nuzhdaetsya v uluchshenii // Evrazijskaya literatura. 2019. № 4. S. 22–27.
3.Zikraczkij S. Nikakogo pozitivnogo puti dlya razvitiya obshhestva u Lukashenko net [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Ob izmenenii zakonov po voprosam advokatskoj deyatel`nosti: Zakon Respubliki Belarus` ot 27 maya 2021 g. // Nacional`ny`j pravovoj Internet-portal Respubliki Belarus`. 29.05.2021. 2/2833.
5.Ragulin A.V. Traktat ob Obrashhenii 32-x, principax, diskriminacii i demokratii v rossijskoj advokature. M.: Rossijskaya akademiya advokatury` i notariata; Evrazijskij nauchno-issledovatel`skij institut problem prava, 2019.
Melnichenko R.G.
Public Bar Corpus (Corpus publicum advocatus)
Purpose: To assess the ideas put forward by the authors of the «Concept of innovations in legislation on public and private advocacy».
Methods: Statistical, hermeneutic and participatory observation were used.
Results: The problem of «private advocacy» was identified, which reached a dead end in the provision of qualified legal assistance in criminal cases. The presentation of the main ideas of the «Concept of innovations in legislation on public and private advocacy» is given; a historical excursion to the implemented projects related to the idea of introducing the institution of public advocacy in Russia is offered, the merits of the project on the introduction of the institution of public advocacy in modern Russia are indicated.
Novelty/originality/value: The introduction of the term «Corpus publicum advocatus» (the corpus of the public advocatus) into scientific circulation, speaks of novelty, and an indication of the need to create a competitive field between public and private advocates of originality. The scientific and value-based nature of the study is evidenced by the recommendations that the author puts forward, based on the idea of «Corpus publicum advocatus».
Keywords: advocacy, corpus publicum advocatus, public advocacy, private advocacy, legal experiment.
References (transliterated)
1.Vorob`yov A.V., Polyakov A.V., Tixonravov Yu.V. Teoriya advokatury`. M.: Grant``, 2002.
2.Korpus publichnoj advokatury`: chto kroetsya za krasivy`m nazvaniem [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.Steczovskij Yu.I. Stanovlenie advokatury` v Rossii. M.: Volters Kluver, 2010.
4.Polozhenie o narodnom sude ot 30 noyabrya 1918 g.
5.Postanovlenie Pravitel`stva RF ot 22 avgusta 2005 g. № 534 «O provedenii e`ksperimenta po sozdaniyu gosudarstvennoj sistemy` okazaniya besplatnoj yuridicheskoj pomoshhi maloimushhim grazhdanam».
Sotnikov D.V.
Chambers of Lawyers against lawyer's trade unions
Purpose: To study the problems of the creation and functioning of lawyer's trade unions in Russia, as well as to compare the role of trade unions and chambers in the protection of professional, labor and social rights of lawyers.
Methodology: Formal legal method, situation analysis, information synthesis.
Results: According to the meaning of the Labor Code of Russia, a lawyer can only be an employer, which is directly provided for by this code. A lawyer does not have the characteristics of an employee, and the fact that he has labor rights does not automatically make him a subject of labor relations. Despite this, legal research is needed regarding the work of lawyer's, taking into account the specifics of their public status and actual self-employment. Industry agreement in the field of advocacy for 2021–2023, concluded on December 31, 2020 The agreement between the Professional Union of Lawyer's of Russia and the All-Russian Branch Association of Employers in the Field of Law and Self-regulating Organizations of arbitration managers contains norms that contradict the theory of advocacy, and therefore it is not applicable in practice.
Novelty/originality/value: Due to the fact that a niche has been formed in the protection of labor, professional and social rights of lawyers, there is a social demand for the development of methods and mechanisms for protecting these rights, because otherwise the bar will not stand the test of time and will lose its independence from the state. In this regard, there was a tendency to create lawyer's unions, which were opposed first by the FPA, and then by the Ministry of Justice.
Keywords: advocacy, advocacy activity, chamber of advocates, lawyer's rights, lawyer's social rights, lawyer's labor rights, lawyer's professional rights, lawyer's trade unions.
References (transliterated)
1.Vorob`ev A.V., Polyakov A.V., Tixonravov Yu.V. Teoriya advokatury`. M.: Grant``, 2002. S. 496.
2.Poryadok osushhestvleniya zashhity` professional`-ny`x prav advokatov [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.Dokumenty`, reglamentiruyushhie organizaciyu nablyudeniya upolnomochenny`mi predstavitelyami Advokatskoj palaty` Moskvy` pri proizvodstve oby`ska, osmotra i vy`emki v otnoshenii advokatov [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Raz``yasnenie Soveta Advokatskoj palaty` Respubliki Bashkortostan «O dejstviyax advokatov pri nesvoevremennom nachale sudebnogo zasedaniya» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.Shutov V.V. Tak nichego i ne ponyal [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Yarty`x I.S. «Profsoyuzy` advokatov»: problemy` pravovoj legitimnosti [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
7.Zayavlenie Soveta Federal`noj palaty` advokatov Rossijskoj Federacii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
8.Otraslevoe soglashenie v sfere advokatury` na 2021–2023 gody` [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
9.Abukov G.R. O deyatel`nosti profsoyuzny`x organizacij v advokature [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
10.Zaklyuchenie na obrashhenie Professional`nogo soyuza advokatov Rossii ot 23.06.2021 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
11.Zaklyuchenie na obrashhenie Professional`nogo soyuza advokatov Rossii ot 01.06.2021 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
12.Uvedomlenie ob otkaze v gosudarstvennoj registracii Vserossijskogo nezavisimogo professional`nogo soyuza advokatov pri sozdanii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
13.Reshenie Zamoskvoreczkogo rajonnogo suda g. Moskvy` ot 25.12.2020 po administrativnomu delu № 2a-1638/2020 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
14.Apellyacionnaya zhaloba Trunova I.L. [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: 2021/02/labor_union_appeal.pdf.
15.Apellyacionnoe postanovlenie Moskovskogo gorodskogo suda ot 23.06.2021 № 33a-2549/2021 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
16.Profsoyuzu advokatov otkazano v prave na sushhestvovanie [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
17.Rubczova M.A. Rol` Federal`noj palaty` advokatov RF v sisteme zashhity` professional`ny`x i social`ny`x prav advokatov // Teoriya i praktika sovremennoj yurisprudencii: sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Penza: Nauka i Prosveshhenie, 2020. S. 208–210.
Garmaev Y.P., Savtsov V.V.
Erroneous expectations and misconceptions about the work of a «criminal» lawyer
Purpose: The article analyzes the typical misconceptions of clients regarding lawyers and their activities in criminal proceedings. The goal is to debunk these misconceptions and justify correct judgments about various aspects of the activities of legal advisers.
Methodology: Analytical, formal-legal methods, methods of questioning and interviewing, as well as an educational approach were used.
Results: Four typical misconceptions are argumentatively refuted: «A lawyer is a close friend», «he must have a bright charisma...», «we expect super-results from him», «he must use personal connections».
Novelty/originality/value: The authors were among the first to summarize the opinions of citizens-principals and professional lawyers on this issue, formulated and refuted these misconceptions.
Keywords: typical misconceptions, legal education of the population, how to choose a lawyer, protection of citizen's rights, advocacy, accusatory bias.
References (transliterated)
1.Vol`vach Ya.V., Sergeev V.I. Nravstvenny`e osnovy` advokatskoj deyatel`nosti (gl. 14) // Advokatura v Rossii: uchebnik dlya vuzov / pod obshh. red. V.I. Sergeeva. 5-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Yusticinform, 2019.
2.Kak vy`brat` advokata / Yu.P. Garmaev, O.V. Vikulov, I.M. Polyakov, V.V. Savczov, Yu.B. Chupilkin i dr.; pod obshh. red. Yu.P. Garmaeva. Ulan-Ude`: Izdatel`stvo BGU, 2021.
3.Chupilkin Yu.B. Kak razorvat` «obvinitel`nuyu svyazku» mezhdu sudom i pravooxranitel`ny`mi organami? // Advokatskaya praktika. 2016. № 3. S. 53–58.
Kiselev P.P.
Presumption of innocence as a criterion for determining the mechanisms and limits of a lawyer's investigation in the context of the application of the Federal Law «On Police»
Purpose: To identify the extent to which the provisions of the Federal Police Act governing the detention procedure are correlated with the constitutional guarantees of liberty and inviolability of the person.
Methodology: The author used methods of comparative logical and systemic analysis, as well as the formal legal method of research.
Results: It is not the procedural nature of the Police Act detention. in view of the formal possibility of it's implementation without initiating criminal or administrative proceedings, which formally limits the scope of the legal inquiry by preventing such detainee from accessing the assistance of counsel, since in part 2 of Art. 48 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation «detained» means a suspect or accused of committing a crime or administrative misconduct, therefore, it was suggested that mandatory rules on the mandatory participation of counsel in cases regulated by this law be introduced into the Police Act, Potentially limiting the human right to liberty and security of person, including in the form of detention.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has high scientific value, since it on the basis of theoretical provisions makes specific proposals to solve the problem of practical implementation of the constitutional principle of personal inviolability in the conditions of application of the Law on Police.
Keywords: lawyer, evidence, presumption of innocence, Federal Law «On Police», detention.
References (transliterated)
1.Abdrashitov V.M. Teoreticheskie osnovy` prezumpcii nevinovnosti: avtoref. dis. ... d-ra yurid. nauk. Kazan`, 2017. S. 10–12.
2.Dryagin M.A. Prezumpciya nevinovnosti v rossijskom ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. Irkutsk, 2004. S. 179.
3.Kiselyov P.P. Advokatskoe rassledovanie: monografiya. M.: Yurlitinform, 2019. S. 101.
4.Postanovlenie Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka ot 24 sentyabrya 2009 goda (zhaloba № 7025/04) po delu «Pishhal`nikov protiv Rossijskoj Federacii (Pishchalnikov v. Russia)» (p. 66) // Byulleten` Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka. 2010. № 1.
5.Postanovlenie Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka ot 6 iyunya 2017 goda (zhaloba № 38958/07) po delu «Pichugin protiv Rossijskoj Federacii (Pichugin v. Russia)» (p. 32) // Rossijskaya xronika Evropejskogo Suda. 2017. № 3 (43).
6.Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 27.06.2000 № 11-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti polozhenij chasti pervoj stat`i 47 i chasti vtoroj stat`i 51 Ugolovno-processual`nogo kodeksa RSFSR v svyazi s zhaloboj grazhdanina V.I. Maslova».
7.Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 17 noyabrya 2016 goda № 25-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti chasti 4 stat`i 27.5 Kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativny`x pravonarusheniyax v svyazi s zhaloboj grazhdanina E.S. Sizikova» (p. 4, abz. 2) // Vestnik Konstitucionnogo Suda RF. 2017. № 1.
8.Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 16 iyunya 2009 goda № 9-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti ryada polozhenij statej 24.5, 27.1, 27.3, 27.5 i 30.7 KoAP RF, punkta 1 stat`i 1070 i abzacza 3 stat`i 1100 Grazhdanskogo kodeksa RF i stat`i 60 Grazhdanskogo processual`nogo kodeksa RF v svyazi s zhalobami grazhdan M.Yu. Karelina, V.K. Rogozhkina i M.V. Filandrova» (p. 3, abz. 5) // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2009. № 4945 (121).
Zaika S.V.
Methods of verification of evidence by defense lawyers at the stage of preliminary investigation
Purpose: To consider ways of checking evidence by defense lawyers at the stage of preliminary investigation.
Methodology: The method of analysis, synthesis, systemic, and formal legal were used.
Results: The article examines the main features of the exercise by a defense lawyer of his right to check evidence in a criminal case at the stage of preliminary investigation. The article contains algorithms for studying the materials of the criminal case. The need for a defense lawyer to study and analyze the materials of a criminal case through the prism of the requirements of the criminal procedure law is dictated by the need to develop a position on the criminal case, and not only on the main issue of the criminal case – on the guilt or innocence of the client, but also on the entire range of issues to be resolved by the court when the verdict is passed.
Novelty/originality/value: This topic is relevant and necessary for study by advocates and investigators since most advocates do not fully use their right to check and evaluate evidence in a criminal case.
Keywords: lawyer, defense attorney, advocacy, law enforcement agencies, assessment of evidence, violation of the criminal procedure law, final criminal procedure documents, the right of the accused to defense, materiality, removability and complementarity of violations of the criminal procedure law.
References (transliterated)
1.Kassacionnoe opredelenie Verxovnogo Suda RF ot 22.09.2008 № 69-O08-37.
2.Garmaev Yu.P., Xorinoev A.O. Primerny`j algoritm izucheniya i analiza materialov ugolovnogo dela. Rukovodstvo dlya pomoshhnikov sudej sudov obshhej yurisdikcii: ucheb.-praktich. posob. / pod obshh. red. Yu.P. Garmaeva, A.O. Xorinoeva. M., 2012.
3.Prokurorskij nadzor za processual`noj deyatel`-nost`yu organov predvaritel`nogo sledstviya: sb. metod. materialov / pod obshh. red. zamestitelya General`nogo prokurora RF gosudarstvennogo sovetnika yusticii 1 klassa V.Ya. Grinya. M.: Genprokuratura RF, Akademiya Genprokuratury` RF, 2012. S. 161–172.
4.Sledstvenny`e oshibki: ucheb.-praktich. posob. / pod red. A.I. Bastry`kina. M.: Yuniti-Dana, 2016. S. 159.
5.Oshibki i narusheniya zakona v sfere operativno-rozy`sknoj deyatel`nosti: praktich. posob. Vy`p. 1. / Yu.P. Garmaev, O.V. Vikulov. M.: TilKom6, 2020.
6.Instrukciya «O poryadke predstavleniya rezul`tatov operativno-rozy`sknoj deyatel`nosti organu doznaniya, sledovatelyu ili v sud», utv. Prikazom MVD Rossii № 776, Ministerstva oborony` Rossii № 703, FSB Rossii № 509, FSO Rossii № 507, FTS Rossii № 1820, SVR Rossii № 42, FSIN Rossii № 535, FSKN Rossii № 398, SK Rossii № 68 ot 27.09.2013.
Arzumanyan D.A.
Interaction of the lawyer and the notary in the framework of human rights activities: the main conclusions of the study
Purpose: Proposals for solutions to law enforcement problems in the implementation of human rights activities of lawyers and notaries.
Methodology: Comparative-legal and formal-legal methods were used.
Results: The paper identified the main points of interaction between the lawyer and the notary within the framework of human rights activities.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value, since for the first time in Russian jurisprudence the relationship between the notary public and the lawyer in the implementation of human rights activities was substantiated and revealed.
Keywords: advocacy, notariat, advocacy, notarial activity, human rights activity.
References (transliterated)
1.Arzumanyan D.A. Vzaimodejstvie advokata i notariusa v ramkax osushhestvleniya pravozashhitnoj deyatel`nosti v otnoshenii licz, naxodyashhixsya pod strazhej, a takzhe licz, otby`vayushhix nakazanie v sledstvennom izolyatore // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2020. № 6 (49).
2.Grudcyna L.Yu. Advokatura, notariat i drugie instituty` grazhdanskogo obshhestva v Rossii: monografiya. M.: Delovoj dvor, 2008.
3.Zajceva T.I. Notarial`naya praktika: otvety` na voprosy`. Vy`p. 2. M.: Volters Kluver, 2018.
4.Ragulin A.V. Professional`ny`e prava advokata-zashhitnika v Rossijskoj Federacii i zarubezhny`x gosudarstvax: monografiya. M., 2012.
5.Ral`ko V.V. Teoriya pravovoj deyatel`nosti notariata i organizacii mezhnotarial`ny`x sistem: monografiya. M.: Yurist, 2010.
6.Ragulin A.V. Kodeks professional`noj e`tiki advokata kak sredstvo bor`by` s kritikoj v advokature // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2020. № 6 (49).
7.Ragulin A.V., Olenev A.B., Arzumanyan D.A. Zakonoproekt «O vnesenii izmenenij v ugolovno-ispolnitel`ny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (v chasti utochneniya poryadka predostavleniya osuzhdenny`m svidanij s advokatami i
Petrov D.V.
Analysis of the draft article 294.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Purpose: Research of the draft law of article 294.1 » Obstruction of the legal activity of a lawyer in order to indicate the relevance of the adoption of this norm, the formulation of proposals for its revision.
Methodology: Comparative and formal legal methods were used.
Results: The article considers the draft law submitted in September 2020 by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, which provides for amendments to the Criminal Procedure and Criminal Codes of the Russian Federation. One of the most important norms in this draft law is the addition of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation with article 294.1 «Obstruction of the lawful activity of a lawyer". The high relevance and great need for the early adoption of this amendment is indicated. At the same time, certain shortcomings in the proposed version of the article that hinder the achievement of the legislator's goal are highlighted. Possible problematic issues are also identified in the further practical application of the norm under consideration. Based on the analysis of the draft law and taking into account the opinions of representatives of the legal community, amendments to the editorial of the article proposed by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation are proposed. It is established that the provision of criminal legal protection of the rights of a lawyer will contribute to the practical implementation of the guarantee of the independence of a lawyer, the principle of adversarial parties in criminal proceedings, increase the effectiveness of advocacy and, as a result, ensure the right of everyone to receive qualified legal assistance.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high degree of relevance, since it contains a comprehensive analysis of the draft law establishing responsibility for obstructing the legitimate activities of a lawyer.
Keywords: advocacy, obstruction of the activities of a lawyer, professional rights of a lawyer.
References (transliterated)
1.Minyust predlozhil popravki v UK i UPK, dayushhie advokatam besprecedentny`e prava i garantii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
2.Advokaty` prokommentirovali proekt popravok v UK i UPK o vosprepyatstvovanii advokatskoj deyatel`nosti [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.Prezident FPA prokommentiroval popravki v UK o vosprepyatstvovanii zakonnoj deyatel`nosti advokata [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Dolgozhdannaya iniciativa [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.O povy`shenii e`ffektivnosti advokatskoj deyatel`nosti [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Polezny`e processual`ny`e dopolneniya [E`lektron-ny`j resurs]. URL:
7.Advokatura gotova k novomu vy`zovu [E`lektron-ny`j resurs]. URL:
8.Sovet FPA predlagaet skorrektirovat` popravki o vosprepyatstvovanii deyatel`nosti advokata [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
9.Pervy`j shag k podlinnomu ravenstvu storon v ugolovnom processe [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
10.Otvetstvennost` za vosprepyatstvovanie zakonnoj deyatel`nosti advokata: problemy` kvalifikacii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
11.Glavnoe – idti vpered, a ne prosto idti [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
12.Poluchitsya li usilit` garantii nezavisimosti advokatskoj deyatel`nosti? [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
13.Pervy`j shag – ne povod pochivat` na lavrax [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
14.Chashhe vsego professional`ny`e prava advokatov narushayut sud`i [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Smirnov A.I.
Corruption in law enforcement agencies as a threat to the activities of business entities in the Russian Federation
Purpose: Study of the legal framework for improving the regulatory framework for the activities of law enforcement agencies to ensure the safety of business entities.
Methodology: General theoretical and formal legal methods were used.
Results: This article is devoted to the consideration of the essence of corruption as a threat to the economic security of economic entities in the Russian Federation, special attention is paid to the forms of corruption in the activities of law enforcement agencies. It also examines the problem of criminal bankruptcy of economic entities and the peculiarities of the influence of corruption on the investigation of this crime and bringing the perpetrators to justice. The problem of criminal law protection of bankruptcy was considered. A generalizing assessment of the current legislation on bankruptcy is given, which regulates measures to suppress corruption in the consideration of insolvency (bankruptcy) cases.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value, since it showed the need to improve the regulatory framework for the activities of law enforcement agencies to eliminate the threat to the economic security of business entities, since a high degree of their security ensures the economic stability of the state as a whole.
Keywords: insolvency (bankruptcy), debtor, law enforcement agencies, economic security, business entities, threat, corruption, crimes.
References (transliterated)
1.Alekseev S.L., Alekseeva Yu.S. Osnovy` antikorrupcionnogo prava: ucheb. posob. / pod red. A.Yu. Epixina. Kazan`: ChOU VO «Akademiya social`nogo obrazovaniya», 2013. S. 83.
2.Dashko M.A., Matveev Yu.V. Bor`ba s korrupciej na predpriyatiyax: voprosy` teorii i praktiki // Pravovoe regulirovanie deyatel`nosti xozyajstvuyushhego sub``ekta: Materialy` 18-j Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: v 2-x ch. / redkoll.: S.P. Bortnikov i dr. Samara, 2020. S. 72–76.
3.Dolin V.A. Kompleksny`j podxod k protivodejstviyu korrupcii v sovremennoj Rossii: postanovka problemy` // Problemy` pravooxranitel`noj deyatel`nosti. 2014. № 1. S. 15–19.
4.Igisenova M.Zh. Korrupcionny`e aspekty` v rassledovanii ugolovny`x del o bankrotstve // Zakonnost` v sovremennom obshhestve: sbornik statej mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: v 2 ch. Orenburg, 2017. S. 165–169.
5.Kolesnikov V.V., By`kov V.N. Protivodejstvie korrupcii kak ugroze bezopasnosti Rossii: e`konomicheskij podxod i rol` grazhdanskogo obshhestva // E`konomicheskie aspekty` tamozhennoj deyatel`nosti. 2014. № 3. S. 17–29.
6.Poplauxina T.D. Fiktivny`e bankrotstva kak e`kono-micheskie posledstviya korrupcii // Molodoj ucheny`j. 2016. № 27 (131). S. 479–482.
7.Poslanie Prezidenta RF Federal`nomu Sobraniyu ot 01.03.2018 // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2018. № 46. 2 marta.
8.Srednij razmer vzyatki v Rossii v 2018 godu [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
9.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 26.10.2002 № 127-FZ «O nesostoyatel`nosti (bankrotstve)» (red. ot 13.07.2020) // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva RF. 2002. 28 oktyabrya. № 43. St. 4190.
Niftalieva I.A.
Problems of implementing the principle of justice in certain norms that criminalize corruption-related crimes
Purpose: Development of proposals to improve criminal anti-corruption legislation regarding the implementation of the principle of fairness.
Methodology: The method of analysis, formal legal and statistical methods were used.
Results: On the basis of the study, it is proposed to amend certain norms establishing criminal liability for corruption-related crimes.
Novelty/originality/value: The significance of the article is due to specific proposals formulated in it aimed at improving criminal anti-corruption legislation.
Keywords: principle of justice, crime of corruption orientation, bribery of the arbitrator, commercial bribery, bribery, differentiation of criminal liability.
References (transliterated)
1.Kozachenko I.Ya. Nishheta korrupcionnoj psixologii // Yuridicheskaya nauka i pravooxranitel`naya praktika. 2017. № 2 (40). S. 71.
2.Morozov V.I. K voprosu ob ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti za melkij kommercheskij podkup i melkoe vzyatochnichestvo kak forme protivodejstviya korrupcii // Yuridicheskaya nauka i pravooxranitel`naya praktika. 2017. № 4 (42). S. 76.
3.Niftalieva I.A. Osnovny`e napravleniya realizacii principa spravedlivosti v ugolovnom prave // Vestnik Volgogradskoj akademii MVD Rossii. 2020. № 3 (54). S. 55–61.
4.O vnesenii izmenenij v Ugolovny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii i Ugolovno-processual`ny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: Federal`ny`j zakon ot 03.07.2016 № 324-FZ. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
5.O vnesenii izmenenij v Ugolovny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii i stat`yu 151 Ugolovno-processual`nogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii: Federal`ny`j zakon ot 27.10.2020 № 352-FZ. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
6.O podpisanii Dopolnitel`nogo protokola k Konvencii ob ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti za korrupciyu: rasporyazhenie Prezidenta RF ot 16.03.2009 № 158-rp. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
7.Ob arbitrazhe (tretejskom razbiratel`stve) v Rossijskoj Federacii: Federal`ny`j zakon ot 29.12.2015 № 382-FZ. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
8.Ragozina I.G. Kommercheskij podkup: voprosy` differenciacii ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti i problemy` kvalifikacii // Sibirskoe yuridicheskoe obozrenie. 2019. T. 16. № 3. S. 330.
9.Rasshirennoe zasedanie kollegii MVD Rossii // Oficial`ny`j sajt Prezidenta Rossii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
10.Sostoyanie prestupnosti v Rossii // Oficial`ny`j internet-sajt MVD Rossii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: https://mvd.rf/folder/101762.
Korotkova E.A.
Control and legal responsibility in the field of advertising
Purpose: The purpose of the study is a legal analysis of some trends in the legal regulation of control and legal liability in the field of advertising activities based on doctrinal views and law enforcement activities.
Methodology: General scientific methods of cognition of legal phenomena, such as synthesis, the method of analogy, formal logic, comparative legal method and others, as well as private scientific methods of research of legal responsibility in advertising legal relations, were used as the methodological basis of this work.
Results: Based on the analyzed legal relations, the conclusion is formulated that a high percentage of the detected violations are related to the advertising of financial services, which are also the most numerous violations among the advertising of certain types of goods. It has been established that if the draft law considered in this article is adopted, taking into account the statistics of offenses of certain categories of advertising, about 1/3 of the total number of offenses detected by the FAS of Russia in the field of advertising will be transferred to the self-regulating industry.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value, since earlier the doctrine did not study the essential aspects of control and legal responsibility in the field of advertising in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: advertising activity, legal regulation, legal responsibility, protection of competition.
References (transliterated)
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12.Levushkin A.N., Tatar O. Soderzhanie i specifika dogovorny`x obyazatel`stv v sfere reklamny`x uslug v Rossijskoj Federacii i Respublike Moldova // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2020. № 5 (48). S. 49–57.
13.Levushkin A.N., Zgonnikov A.P. Kollektorskaya deyatel`nost` kak vid e`konomicheskoj deyatel`nosti v Rossijskoj Federacii: teoriya i praktika primeneniya // Pravo i e`konomika. 2019. № 4. S. 5–12.
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20.Postanovlenie Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda RF ot 26.04.2007 № 14 «O praktike rassmotreniya sudami ugolovny`x del o narushenii avtorskix, smezhny`x, izobretatel`skix i patentny`x prav, a takzhe o nezakonnom ispol`zovanii tovarnogo znaka» // Byulleten` Verxovnogo Suda RF. 2007. № 7.
21.Proekt Federal`nogo zakona «O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal`ny`j zakon «O reklame» i Federal`ny`j zakon «O samoreguliruemy`x organizaciyax» (v chasti sistematizacii obyazatel`ny`x trebovanij v sfere reklamy` i vvedeniya instituta samoreguliruemy`x organizacij v sfere reklamy`) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
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26.Oficial`ny`j sajt Federal`noj Antimonopol`noj sluzhby` [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Information about the book: «Law and Space in the Era of Global Social and Economic Change» edited by V.V. Blazheev, O.A. Yastrebov, G.P. Tolstopyatenko (Moscow: Prospect, 2021)
Information about the monograph «Actual problems of law and economics in the perspective of interdisciplinary scientific research as a form of international cooperation» edited by V.V. Blazheev, M.A. Egorova (Moscow: Prospect, 2022)
Review of the article «On the issue of criminal responsibility for defamation» by Daishutov M.M., Kadnikov F.N. // Eurasian Advocacy. no. 1. (50). 2021. P. 59–63.
On the issue of professional discussion in the intellectual legal environment of the Concept
of Renewal of the advocacy, proposed by the Center for the Study and Development of Intercultural Relations
Concept of innovations in the legislation on public and private advocacy


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