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Blockchain Life 2021: VI International Forum on Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Mining

Maslov A.A.
Law practice and specifics of providing legal services by foreigners in China
Purpose: To study the peculiarities of organization of legal practice in China and opportunities for foreigners to indicate legal services in the PRC.
Methodology: The author used system-structural, national specific, socio-legal and comparative legal methods.
Results: China has thoroughly developed legislation regulating legal and advocacy activities and includes several groups of lawyers. Foreign citizens are banned from practicing law in China; foreign law firms have very limited rights, cannot hire Chinese lawyers, and cannot represent foreign companies in court disputes.
Novelty/originality/value: This is one of the first studies based on Chinese sources on the characteristics of foreign law firms in China and the ways in which foreign lawyers participate in legal disputes in China.
Keywords: advocacy in China, PRC Law on Advocacy, foreign lawyers, bar associations, representative offices of foreign law firms.
References (transliterated)
1.Wài guó lushī shì wù suǒ zhù huá dài biǎo jī gòu guǎn lǐ tiáo lì (Polozhenie, regulirujushhee dejatel’nost’ predstavitel’stv inostrannyh juridicheskih firm v Kitae 外国律师事务所驻华代表机构管理条例) 22.02.2001 [E`lektronny`j resurs] URL:
2.Sīfǎ bù guān yú kāi zhǎn 2020 nián dù wài guó shī shì wù suǒ zhù huá dài biǎo jī gòu nián dù jiǎn yàn dí tōng zhī (vedomlenie Ministerstva justicii o ezhegodnoj proverke predstavitel’stv inostrannyh juridicheskih firm v Kitae na 2020 god司法部关于开展2020年度外国律师事务所驻华代表机构年度检验的通知) 2021-01-06 [E`lektronny`j resurs] URL:
3.Zhōngguó chéngrèn hé zhíxíng hán guó fǎ yuàn zuò chū dí shēng xiào mín shì cái dìng àn lì fēn xiǎng (Rassmotrenie del o priznanii i ispolnenii v Kitae reshenij po grazhdanskim delam, vynesennyh dejstvujushhimi korejskimi sudami 中国承认和执行韩国法院作出的生效民事裁定案例分享). 2020-05-25 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Zhōnghuá rénmín gònghé guó lushī fǎ (Zakon ob advokature KNR 中华人民共和国律师法) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.Shànghǎi shì lushī xié huì zhangcheng (Ustav shanhajskoj Associacii juristov上海市律师协会) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Dan Harris On Becoming a China Lawyer April 16, 2017 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
7.Liao Н, Duhuah Huang and William Deng. Regulation of the legal profession in China: overview [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
8.Oceanside Development Group Ltd. v. Chen Tongkao & Chen Xiudan. 25 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
9.Pisacane, Giovanni and Daniele Zibetti. Intellectual Property in China: Legal and Tax Implication. Springer, 2020.
Melnichenko R.G.
«Deliberate villainy» of the Russian legal profession
Purpose: Identify and problematize such a phenomenon as «clever villainy» in the Russian legal profession.
Methodology: Used statistical, hermeneutic and participatory observation.
Results: Identified the problem of «clever villainy», which is the root in the modern Russian legal profession and from which many negative phenomena arise both in the field of management of the legal profession and in the legal profession itself.
Novelty/originality/value: Lack of research on «smart villainy» in the legal profession. The author’s use of empirical data, as well as an appeal to an external observer (F.M.Dostoevsky) testifies to the originality of the study. The scientific-value character of the research is evidenced by the recommendations that the author puts forward, based on the idea of «clever villainy».
Keywords: advocacy, ethics, abuse of law, clever villainy, trade in hope, litigant lawyer.
References (transliterated)
1.Ragulin A.V. Reshenie suda po «sekretnomu isku» advokata A.R. Ramaldanova k Federal`noj palate advokatov Rossijskoj Federacii: «nezakonnost`» i «pozitivnoe soderzhanie» // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2020. № 3 (46). S. 68–78.
2.Dostoevskij F.M. Dnevnik pisatelya. 1876. Fevral`. Glava vtoraya. II. Nechto ob advokatax voobshhe. Moi naivny`e i neobrazovanny`e predpolozheniya. Nechto o talantax voobshhe i v osobennosti // Dostoevskij F.M. Sobr. soch.: v 15 t. SPb.: Nauka, 1994. T. 13. S. 59–65.
3.Yum De`vid. Sochineniya: v 2 t. T. 2. M., 1996. S. 68.
Valevskaya A.A.
Agreements of shareholders and members of llc under Russian law
Purpose: To study the main types of agreements that are concluded in joint stock companies and limited liability companies. The article reflects the legal features of such agreements as a foundation agreement in a joint-stock company, an agreement on the establishment of a limited liability company, as well as agreements (transactions) of purchase and sale, the subject of which is the shares of a joint-stock company and shares (parts of shares) of a limited liability company.
Methodology: In the course of the study, formal legal methods and the method of analysis were used.
Results: On the basis of this study, it is indicated that the aggregate of corporate obligations that may be reflected in the contract include: the exercise of corporate rights in an appropriate manner; the obligation to vote at the general meeting in an agreed manner; take (not take) other actions in accordance with the general will of the corporation in relation to its management.
Novelty/originality/value: Particular attention is paid to such a type of corporate agreements as a corporate agreement, through the completion of which in business companies there is an opportunity to form individual characteristics of a corporate legal relationship that go beyond the framework of a memorandum of association in a joint stock company, an agreement on the establishment of a limited liability company, and reflect the specifics of its content.
Keywords: civil law transaction, purchase and sale, corporation, shares, joint-stock company, limited liability company, participation interests.
References (transliterated)
1.Abakumova E.B. Dogovornoe regulirovanie korpo-rativny`x otnoshenij v Rossii: k voprosu klassifikacii predmetov soglasheniya // Sovremennoe pravo. 2016. № 10. S. 80–85.
2.Vavulin D.A. Akcionernoe soglashenie // Akcionernoe obshhestvo. Voprosy` korporativnogo upravleniya [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.Vengerov A.B. Teoriya gosudarstva i prava. M., 2015.
4.Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast` pervaya) ot 30.11.1994 № 51-FZ (red. ot 09.03.2021) // Rossijskaya gazeta. 1994. 8 dekabrya.
5.Gutnikov O.V. K voprosu o pravovoj prirode sub``ektivnogo korporativnogo prava // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2017. № 3. S. 54–64.
6.Egorov A.V. Korporativny`j dogovor: aktual`ny`e problemy` // «Chastny`j chetverg» v Klube civilistov [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
7.Zinova V.A. Vidy` korporativnogo dogovora // Molodoj ucheny`j. 2019. № 43 (281). S. 86–89 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
8.Informaciya Banka Rossii ot 7 maya 2020 g. «Podpisano akcionernoe soglashenie po akciyam PAO Sberbank mezhdu Bankom Rossii i Pravitel`stvom RF» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
9.Karapetov A.G. Osnovny`e tendencii pravovogo regulirovaniya rastorzheniya narushennogo dogovora v zarubezhnom i rossijskom grazhdanskom prave: avtoref. ... dis. d-ra yurid. nauk. M., 2011.
10.Nechayueva Yu.S. Ponyatie svobody` dogovora v sovremennom prave // Vestnik nauki i obrazovaniya. 2020. № 10(88). S. 63–68.
11.Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 23 aprelya 2013 g. № 670-O [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
12.Opredelenie Verxovnogo Suda RF ot 14.04.2016 № 309-E`S16-2453 po delu № A60-12804/2015 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
13.Opredelenie Verxovnogo Suda RF ot 08.11.2019 № 305-E`S19-19443 po delu № A40-118958/18 [E`lektron-ny`j resurs]. URL:
14.Pokrovskij I.A. Osnovny`e problemy` grazhdanskogo prava (po izd.1917 g.). M.: Statut, 2017.
15.Postanovlenie Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda RF ot 23.06.2015 № 25 «O primenenii sudami nekotory`x polozhenij razdela I chasti pervoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2015. № 140.
16.Postanovlenie Trinadczatogo arbitrazhnogo apellya-cionnogo suda ot 15.11.2019 № 13AP-29122/19 [E`lektron-ny`j resurs]. URL:
17.Postanovlenie Devyatogo arbitrazhnogo apellyacionnogo suda ot 11.02.2014 po delu № A40-97313/2013 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
18.Rekomendacii Nauchno-konsul`tativnogo soveta pri Federal`nom arbitrazhnom sude Ural`skogo okruga «Voprosy` pravoprimeneniya po grazhdanskim delam, podvedomstvenny`m arbitrazhny`m sudam» (po itogam zasedaniya, sostoyavshegosya 10.06.2015 v Izhevske) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
19.Reshenie Arbitrazhnogo suda g. Moskvy` (AS goroda Moskvy`) ot 18 aprelya 2017 g. po delu № A40-56423/2014 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
20.Suxanov E.A. Sravnitel`noe korporativnoe pravo. M., 2017.
21.Tarasov I.T. Uchenie ob akcionerny`x kompaniyax. M: Yurajt, 2000.
22.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 26 dekabrya 1995 g. № 208-FZ (red. ot 07.03.2021) «Ob akcionerny`x obshhestvax» // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 1995. № 1. St. 1.
23.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 8 fevralya 1998 g. № 14-FZ (red. ot 24.02.2021) «Ob obshhestvax s ogranichennoj otvetstvennost`yu» // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 1998. № 7. St. 785.
24.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 21.12.2001 № 178-FZ (red. ot 31.07.2020) «O privatizacii gosudarstvennogo i municipal`nogo imushhestva» // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2002. № 16. 26 yanvarya.
25.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 18 marta 2020 g. № 50-FZ «O priobretenii Pravitel`stvom Rossijskoj Federacii u Central`nogo banka Rossijskoj Federacii oby`knovenny`x akcij publichnogo akcionernogo obshhestva «Sberbank Rossii» i priznanii utrativshimi silu otdel`ny`x polozhenij zakonodatel`ny`x aktov Rossijskoj Federacii» [E`lektron-ny`j resurs]. URL:
26.Shly`kova T.A. Prava uchastnikov obshhestva s ogranichennoj otvetstvennost`yu: yuridicheskaya priroda, ponyatie, vidy`: avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2005 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Sotnikov D.V.
The dog buried in the Case of the lawyer Ivan Pavlov
Purpose: To study the composition of the crime under Article 310 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the example of a specific incident involving the lawyer Pavlov I. Yu. to criminal responsibility.
Methodology: The following methods were used in the work formal legal method, situation analysis, information synthesis.
Results: A lawyer is a subject of the composition provided for in Article 310 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Article 310 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is a reference norm, contains an explicit reference to Article 161 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation and implicit to Articles 42, 44, 53-60 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. It contains a number of significant gaps that allow the investigation to apply them arbitrarily. The lawyer’s publications in the media about violations of the law during the preliminary investigation are not covered by the composition provided for in Article 310 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The subject of art. 310 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation may not be abstract (generic) data of the preliminary investigation, but specific (individually defined), which should be exhaustively listed in the relevant decision of the investigator; in case of disagreement with which or refusal to make it to the lawyer, it is desirable to file a corresponding complaint. The objective side is the disclosure of data that was previously secret, obtained exclusively at the stage of the preliminary investigation, so in relation to other stages, including pre-trial verification, there is a gap in the legal norm. The known data of the preliminary investigation are outside the scope of the objective side of Article 310 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. A decision on the involvement of a person as an accused should be attributed to known data, if it does not contain a secret protected by law.
Novelty/originality/value: The article attempts to determine the boundaries of the subject matter of the crime under Article 310 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – the data of the preliminary investigation. Their classification is presented. There are also legal gaps in Article 310 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: lawyer, Article 310 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, non-disclosure, corpus delicti, secrecy of the investigation.
References (transliterated)
1.Vorob`ev A.V., En`kov A.L., Silkov P.Yu., Tixonravov Yu.V. «Delo Jukosa» kak zerkalo russkoj advokatury` (kompleksnoe issledovanie v zashhitu rossijskoj advokatury` i pravosudiya). M.: Voprosy` advokatury`, 2008. S. 800.
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8.Reshenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 28.01.2016 «Ob utverzhdenii Obzora praktiki Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii za tretij i chetverty`j kvartaly` 2015 goda» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
9.Raz``yasnenie Soveta Advokatskoj palaty` Altajskogo kraya po voprosu dachi advokatami podpiski o nerazglashenii danny`x predvaritel`nogo sledstviya [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
10.Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 6 oktyabrya 2015 g. № 2444-O «Po zhalobe grazhdanina Dvoryaka Vladimira Gennad`evicha na narushenie ego konstitucionny`x prav polozheniyami punkta 3 chasti vtoroj stat`i 38, chasti tret`ej stat`i 53, stat`i 161 Ugolovno-processual`nogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii i stat`i 310 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
11.Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 21.12.2004 № 467-O «Po zhalobe grazhdanina Pyatnichuka Petra Efimovicha na narushenie ego konstitucionny`x prav polozheniyami statej 46, 86 i 161 Ugolovno-processual`nogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:

Kanatov T.K.
Entitlement to the right to use exclusive right
Purpose: To investigate the current problematic issues of the right to use exclusive rights.
Methodology: System-structural, concrete-sociological, historical-legal, socio-legal, comparative-legal, statistical methods of work were used in writing the article.
Results: Proposals and conclusions based on the analysis of international legislation, as well as the regulatory legal acts of the EEU countries that were in force at the moment. The high relevance and practical significance of this article lies in the analysis of the competence of the right to use exclusive rights. The special significance of this study lies in the fact that the developed theoretical provisions of this work can be used in the future for further study and consideration of issues, problems of legal regulation of the right to use exclusive rights in the EEU countries. Therefore, the author invests a significant resource in the theoretical part of civil law with the conducted research.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value, since it is one of the first attempts to consider current problematic issues of legal regulation of the right to use exclusive rights.
Keywords: exclusive rights, use of exclusive rights, EEU, CIS, model code.
References (transliterated)
1.Agarkov M.M. Predmet i sistema sovetskogo grazhdanskogo prava // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1940. № 8–9. S. 54–55.
2.Gavrilov E`.P. Sovetskoe avtorskoe pravo. Osnovny`e polozheniya. Tendencii razvitiya. M.: Nauka, 1984. S. 153.
3.Intellektual`naya sobstvennost` na televidenii i radio: ucheb. posob. / pod red. E`.P. Gavrilova, P. Kruga. M.: Centr «Pravo i SMI», 1998. S. 29.
4.Kamennaya Yu.Yu. Platim za muzy`kal`ny`j fon predpriyatiya? // Torgovlya: buxgalterskij uchet i nalogooblozhenie. 2010. № 5. S. 64.
5.Razgonov I.I. Zashhita imushhestvenny`x prav avtorov i obladatelej smezhny`x prav: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2003. S. 25.
6.Luczker A.P. Avtorskoe pravo v cifrovy`x texnologiyax i SMI / nauch. komment.: A. Sergo. M.: KUDICz-OBRAZ, 2005. S. 48.

Markov V.P.
Principles of criminal punishment in the information society
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to study the conditions for the implementation of basic criminal and legal principles and the possibility of forming new ones in the emerging digital reality.
Methodology: Based on the methods of analysis and comparison, it is concluded that the law enforcement officer is not always ready to share the point of view of scientists or legislators, since the latter do not always take into account the life circumstances of persons subject to criminal prosecution. For this reason, the principles of criminal law do not always ensure the uniformity of law enforcement practice.
Results: It is concluded that the state and society need to adequately understand the fundamental requirements and rules of conduct imposed on each other, including the criminal law protection of public relations, and transform them with this in mind.
Novelty/originality/value: It is this model of communicative behavior that will determine the effectiveness of the information society.
Keywords: information society, legal values, criminal punishment, court decisions.
References (transliterated)
1.Alekseeva I.Yu. Vozniknovenie informacionnogo obshhestva // Informacionnoe obshhestvo. 1999. № 1. S. 30–35.
2.Volkov V. Rossijskie sudy` cenyat status podsudimy`x [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.Dolinskaya V.V. Informacionnoe obshhestvo, infor-macionny`e otnosheniya i pravo // Yuridicheskij vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. 2017. № 3. S. 27–36.
4.Ipatova N. Yuridicheskaya otvetstvennost` za kiberprestupleniya v Rossii. Vzglyad Rossii na mezhduna-rodny`e resheniya po bor`be s komp`yuterny`mi prestupleniyami // [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: otvetstvennost_za_kiberprestupleniya_v_rossii_vzglyad_rossii_na_mezhdunarodnye_reshen.
5.Olejnikova P.A. Ugolovnaya otvetstvennost` za lajki i reposty` – problemy` kvalifikacii i nakazanie za sodeyannoe // E-Scio. 2020. № 7. S. 90–100.
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8.Postanovlenie № -189/2020 ot 29 iyulya 2020 g. po delu № 1-189/2020 // Sudebny`e i normativny`e akty` RF [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
9.Prigovor № 1-243/2020 ot 29 iyulya 2020 g. po delu № 1-243/2020 // Sudebny`e i normativny`e akty` RF [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
10.Pry`s` E.V., Mityukova Yu.A. Principy` kriminalizacii i dekriminalizacii deyanij v e`konomicheskoj sfere (kriminologicheskij i grazhdansko-pravovoj aspekty`) // Yuridicheskaya nauka i pravooxranitel`naya praktika. 2015. № 2. S. 75–79.
11.Reshenie ot 3 avgusta 2020 g. po delu № A63-23033/
2019 // Sudebny`e i normativny`e akty` RF [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
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13.Sabitov T.R. Principy` naznacheniya ugolovnogo nakazaniya // Yuridicheskaya nauka i pravooxranitel`naya praktika. 2017. № 2. S. 59–65.
14.Sazonova M. Ugolovno-pravovy`e riski v usloviyax cifrovizacii: sposoby` protivodejstviya // SPS Garant [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
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16.Sobaka lajka. Verxovny`j Sud Rossii zashhitil grazhdan ot ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti za lajki i reposty` // Sajt Verxovnogo Suda RF [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
17.Tatarinceva E`.A. Politiko-pravovy`e i kul`turny`e aspekty` razvitiya informacionnogo obshhestva v Rossii // Sociologiya vlasti. 2008. № 6. S. 149–157.
18.Titaev K. Social`noe neravenstvo v sude // Sajt PostNauka. [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
19.Fefelov P.A. Principy` sovetskogo ugolovnogo prava – osnova ugolovno-pravovogo oxranitel`nogo mexanizma: avtoref. dis. … d-ra yurid. nauk. Sverdlovsk, 1982.
20.Filimonova I.V., Zuxov X.A. K voprosu o sisteme principov sovremennogo rossijskogo ugolovnogo prava // Gumanitarny`e nauchny`e issledovaniya. 2017. № 3. S. 296–301.
21.Shary`pova T.N., Triba K.A. Ugolovnaya otvetstvennost` za sovershenie prestuplenij v informacionnoj sfere // Colloquium-journal. 2020. № 2. S. 232–235.
Shatalov D.V.
Prosecutor’s supervision yesterday and today: on the need for reform and the consequences
Purpose: Retrospective analysis of the dynamics of the scope of the prosecutor’s supervisory powers in Russian legal proceedings.
Methodology: Historical-legal, comparative methods was used.
Results: The article attempts to trace the evolution of the functions and, as a consequence, the powers of the prosecutor in Russian legal proceedings. For the analysis, the domestic experience and the experience of foreign countries were involved. The results of the comparative analysis allow us to conclude that the reduction in the powers of the prosecutor in connection with the implementation of laws has led to numerous violations by the investigating authorities.
Novelty/originality/value: In the article, the author carried out a comparative analysis of prosecutorial powers in foreign countries and modern Russia, as well as domestic experience. The results of the analysis allow us to make an unambiguous conclusion that it is wrong to reduce the powers of the prosecutor in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: Prosecutor, criminal proceedings, investigative bodies, prosecutor’s supervision, crime, accused.
References (transliterated)
1.Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Tolkovy`j slovar` russkogo yazy`ka. M., 1992.
2.Tolkachenko A.A. Tipichny`e oshibki i nedostatki sledstviya s tochki zreniya sudov // Ugolovny`j process. 2014. № 9. S. 10–23.
3.Doklad General`nogo prokurora Rossijskoj Federacii Yu.Ya. Chajki na zasedanii Soveta Federacii Federal`nogo Sobraniya Rossijskoj Federacii (ot 18 aprelya 2018 g.) // General`naya prokuratura [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: .
4.Panfilova E.A. Prokurorskij nadzor za predvaritel`-ny`m sledstviem: sravnitel`no-pravovoj analiz praktiki zarubezhny`x stran // Simvol nauki. 2016. № 1-4.
Savitsky A.A.
Legal status of a forensic economic expert in criminal proceedings in Russia
Purpose: Тo determine the conceptual foundations of the procedural status of an expert-economist in legal proceedings.
Methodology: The study is based on regulatory analysis, analysis of the scientific and theoretical foundations and practical features of the problem of the procedural status of an expert in procedural actions.
Results: The urgency of using special economic knowledge in the form of forensic expert activity has been substantiated. The analysis of the procedural status of an expert-economist in legal proceedings is presented.
Novelty/originality/value: It consists in the development and consideration of the features of the procedural status of an expert on the basis of regulatory legal acts, adapted taking into account the peculiarities of economic research. The features of the expert’s right to an expert initiative within the framework of the production of a forensic economic examination are considered separately. The limitations of expert powers are grounded on examples from the practice of forensic economic examination. The submitted material is presented both for persons carrying out economic research and for investigators, lawyers and the judicial community.
Keywords: special knowledge, expert’s rights, expert’s duties, expert’s procedural status, forensic expertise, economic expertise, special knowledge in the production of forensic economic expertise, legal proceedings, forensic expert science.
References (transliterated)
1.Rossinskaya E.R., Galyashina E.I., Zinin A.M. Teoriya sudebnoj e`kspertizy` (Sudebnaya e`kspertologiya): uchebnik / pod red. E.R. Rossinskoj. 2-e izd., pererab i dop. M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2017.
2.Aver`yanova T.V., Belkin R.S., Koruxov Yu.G., Rossinskaya E.R. E`nciklopediya sudebnoj e`kspertizy`. M.: Yurist``, 1999.
3.E`kspertiza v sudoproizvodstve: uchebnik dlya ba-kalavrov. M.: Prospekt, 2019.
Kramarenko V.P., Shevchenko E.S.
The basics of tactics for the use of technical and forensic tools used to disclose and investigate crimes
Purpose: Disclosure of issues of increasing the efficiency of investigative actions using modern technical and forensic tools.
Methodology: Consists of the dialectical method of cognition and the system of general scientific and private scientific methods based on it (the method of system analysis, the method of logical comprehension, etc.).
Results: The tactics of using technical and forensic means, used in the disclosure and investigation of a crime, were determined.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value, since it contains conclusions that are important for science.
Keywords: tactics of investigative actions, forensic techniques, technical and forensic forecasting, tactical technique, investigative actions.
References (transliterated)
1.Baev O.Ya. Rukovodstvo dlya sledovatelej / pod obshh. red. V.V. Mozyakova. M.: E`kzamen, 2005.
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8.Kochneva I.P. Taktiko-texnicheskoe obespechenie osmotra mesta proisshestviya (po materialam sudebnoj i sledstvennoj praktiki Kamchatskogo kraya) // Problemy` regional`noj e`konomiki, upravleniya i obrazovaniya: materialy` mezhdunarodnoj nauchn.-prakt. konf. Kamchatskij filial Avtonomnoj nekommercheskoj organizacii vy`sshego professional`nogo obrazovaniya Centrosoyuza RF «Rossijskij universitet kooperacii», 2009. S. 377.
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10.Mereczkij N.E., Prutovy`x V.V. Takticheskie priemy` osmotra trupa na meste ego obnaruzheniya: ucheb. posob. Xabarovsk: DVYuI MVD Rossii, 2004.
11.Mitrichev S.P. Sledstvennaya taktika – e`to masterstvo // Socz. zakonnost`. 1971. № 4. S. 14.
12.Solov`ev A.B. Sistema sledstvenny`x dejstvij kak sredstvo ugolovno-processual`nogo dokazy`vaniya (problemy` ugolovnogo processa i kriminalistiki): nauch.-metod. posob. M.: Yurlitinform, 2006.
13.Torbin Yu.G. Osvidetel`stvovanie kak sposob sobiraniya dokazatel`stv na stadii predvaritel`nogo rassledovaniya: nauch.-praktich. posob. M: Yurlitinform, 2005.
14.Turchin D.A., Chizhikov I.S. Polevaya kriminalistika i ee prakticheskoe primenenie: nauch.-praktich. posob. / pod red. prof. E.P. Ishhenko. M.: Yurlitinform, 2006.
15.Shejfer S.A. Sledstvenny`e dejstviya. Osnovaniya, processual`ny`j poryadok i dokazatel`stvennoe znachenie. M.: Yurlitinform, 2004.
Panin V.A.
Using of the results of operational intractive activities in criminal court proceedings
Purpose: To develop recommendations that contribute to the resolution of theoretical and practical problems related to the use of the results of the OIA in criminal proceedings.
Methodology: The method of analysis and the formal legal method were used.
Results: This article offers a set of recommendations that have contributed to the resolution of theoretical and practical problems related to the use of the results of the OIA in criminal proceedings. In order to create a high-quality criminal justice system, the results of the OIA should be subject to prosecutor’s supervision and judicial control.
Novelty/originality/value: The novelty lies in the proposal of changes to the interdepartmental instructions on the procedure for submitting the results of the OIA and а. 89 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: operational-search activity (OSA), evidence, operational-search measures (OSM), criminal case, information of an operational-search nature, crime, criminal proceedings.
References (transliterated)
1.Ob operativno-rozy`sknoj deyatel`nosti: Federal`ny`j zakon ot 12.08.1995 № 144-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva RF. 1995. № 33. St. 3349 (v red. Federal`nogo zakona ot 30.12.2020 № 515-FZ) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
2.Ugolovno-ispolnitel`ny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 08.01.1997 № 1-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva RF. 1997. № 1. St. 190 (v red. Federal`nogo zakona ot red. ot 23.11.2020, s izm. ot 28.12.2020) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.Vagin O.A. i dr. Operativno-rozy`skny`e meropriyatiya i ispol`zovanie ix rezul`tatov: ucheb. posob. M.: Izdat. dom Shumilovoj I.I., 2020.
4.Larinkov A.A. Problemy` predstavleniya rezul`tatov ORD dlya ispol`zovaniya v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Zhurnal Kriminalist``. 2019. № 1. S. 35–39.
5.Mal`ceva N.N. Problemny`e aspekty` ispol`zovaniya rezul`tatov operativno-rozy`sknoj deyatel`nosti v sovremennom ugolovnom processe: ucheb. posob. Alleya nauki, 2018. S. 701–704.
6.Stepanova O.S. Problemy`, voznikayushhie pri ispol`zovanii rezul`tatov operativno-rozy`sknoj deyatel`-nosti v processe obespecheniya bezopasnosti uchastnikov ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva // Svoboda i pravo: sbornik trudov konferencii. Kemerovo, 2018. S. 25–28.
Kazachenok O.P.
Means of individualization of business entities in international circulation
Purpose: Development of legislative mechanisms regulating the protection of means of individualization of economic entities in international circulation.
Methodology: Comparative legal method, systemic, formal legal method were used.
Results: The author comes to the conclusion that in the field of protection of means of individualization at the international level, it is necessary to develop international cooperation by creating a unified information database that allows timely detection and suppression of offenses in this area. In addition, it is no less important to solve the problem of unification in the field of legal regulation of means of individualization, which is of particular importance in connection with the globalization of the world economy.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value, since it examines the means of individualization of economic entities in international circulation, which are of particular importance in connection with the search for the most effective ways of developing the production sphere not only of a single state, but also of unification of countries, including number in the form of international organizations.
Keywords: means of individualization, commercial designation, trademark, globalization, legal entity, business entity.
References (transliterated)
1.Bashorova K.X. O formax zashhity` prav na sredstva individualizacii // Nauchno-texnicheskij progress kak faktor razvitiya sovremennogo obshhestva: sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2019. S. 157.
2.Moxorov D.A., Moxorova A.Yu., Krauze S.V. Kommercheskoe oboznachenie kak pravovoj koncept rossijskogo grazhdanskogo prava // Evrazijskij yuridicheskij zhurnal. 2020. № 7 (146). S. 211.
3.Segeda E.A., Kirova I.V. Sovremenny`e problemy` zashhity` prav intellektual`noj sobstvennosti v Rossii // E`konomika i biznes: teoriya i praktika. 2021. № 1–2 (71). S. 95.
4.Cherkasova O.V. Zashhita intellektual`noj sobstvennosti: ucheb. posob. Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural. un-ta, 2017. S. 70.
5.Shaxnazarov B.A. Otdel`ny`e terminologicheskie voprosy` mezhdunarodno-pravovogo regulirovaniya sredstv individualizacii // Aktual`ny`e problemy` rossijskogo prava. 2016. № 6. S. 195.
Batchimandji N.G.
Features of the legal status of a foreign investor in the Russian Federation and in the Central African Republic:comparative legal analysis of legislation
Purpose: To analyze the main provisions of the legislation of the Central African Republic and the Russian Federation in the issue of regulating the legal status of a foreign investor.
Methodology: The methods of structural and functional analysis, the system method, and the formal legal method were used.
Results: In the CAR, there are many unresolved issues, this can not but complicate the already deplorable situation of the country’s economy. There are also problems in Russia, which in turn complicate any prospects for increasing the volume of foreign investment. The lack of the legal status of a foreign investor creates the need to build a different, more innovative structure of foreign investment. Government need to change the system of state regulation of foreign investment, its mechanisms, tools, components.
Novelty/originality/value: The article is of high scientific and practical value, since it is a study of an actual problem for the CAR and the Russian Federation.
Keywords: foreign investor, CAR, investments, economy, Investment charter, Russian Federation, legal regulation.
References (transliterated)
1.Federal`ny`j zakon «O soglasheniyax o razdele produkcii» ot 30.12.1995 № 225-FZ (ot 08.12.2020 № 429-FZ) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
2.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 29.04.2008 № 57-FZ «O poryadke osushhestvleniya inostranny`x investicij v xozyajstvenny`e obshhestva, imeyushhie strategicheskoe znachenie dlya obespecheniya oborony` strany` i bezopasnosti gosudarstva» (s izm. i dop. ot 9 marta 2021 g.) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.Federal`ny`j zakon «Ob investicionnoj deyatel`nosti v Rossijskoj Federacii, osushhestvlyaemoj v forme kapital`ny`x vlozhenij» ot 25.02.1999 № 39-FZ (v red. ot 08.12.2020 № 429-FZ) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Soglashenie mezhdu Pravitel`stvom Rossijskoj Federacii i Pravitel`stvom Yuzhno-Afrikanskoj Respubliki o pooshhrenii i vzaimnoj zashhite kapitalovlozhenij (zaklyucheno v g. Moskve 23.11.1998) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.Druzhinin D.V. Osobennosti pravovogo regulirovaniya inostranny`x investicij v Rossijskoj Federacii // Molodoj uchyony`j. 2019. № 43 (281). S. 71–73 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Veselkova E.E. Mezhdunarodny`e dogovory` Rossijskoj Federacii v oblasti inostranny`x investicij // Zakonodatel`stvo i e`konomika. 2015. № 11.
7.Toute ordonnance nécessite en principe une ratification par l’Assemblée nationale au cours de sa prochaine session, en l’absence de quoi elle est caduque [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
8.Obzor praktiki razresheniya sudami sporov, svyazanny`x s zashhitoj inostranny`x investorov» (utv. Prezidiumom Verxovnogo Suda RF 12.07.2017) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Morshchakova T.G., Pashin S.A., Panicheva A.I., Pikhovkin A.V., Polyakova M.F., Sernovets M.N., Kostanova A.Yu., Abubakarov M.S., Kazakov V.V., Kostanov Yu.A.
Draft laws on amendments to the legislation of the Russian Federation in terms of ensuring the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of persons brought to criminal and/or administrative responsibility
Ragulin A.V., Olenev A.B., Arzumanian D.A.
Draft Law on «Amendments to the Penal Enforcement Code of the Russian Federation (in terms of clarifying the procedure for convicted persons to receive visits from advocates and notaries»)


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